By the WAY WE Crazy People know what you are saying about us behind our backs…

If you fall into the category of a crazy person, you’d be surprised at how many of us there are. WE are well aware of what you say about us behind our backs. We are too much for. you, right? You are so glad you don’t have to suffer the way we do, that’s the pity card.

But the truth is we are lucky. We see the world in a particular way, a way in which people spend lifetimes trying to see. So come join us sometime, put on your crazy glasses and have a good time. You’ll see the world in a whole new way.

And don’t deny that you too are crazy, because we all are and there is nothing wrong with that. There is no such thing as normal, it is a fiction created to control people. Just like grammar is a tool used by white people to control the masses. Watch out for crazzzzzyyyyyy, it won’t kill you, it will make uou frreeeeeee!!!!!!!


Nina UppalComment