
That’s right, the word is Ninda, not NIna.

In SIkhism, Ninda is the biggest sin. What is it exactly?

I’m not exactly sure but it has to do with talking badly about other people behind their backs.

There is also the word in Punjabi, that goes with Ninda, Chugli. Not exactly sure what that one means either, but it goes along with gossiping about other people.

Raise your hand if you are guilty of gossiping about someone in your life?

I’m raising my hand.

Humans are flawed, we sin. Eve or wAS IT Sita that was the first human or being to sin? She bit the apple and all of a sudden there was good and evil and humans had a choice, they had free will. Creation was created so that humans could be godlike of their own free will, not because someone else was forcing them to do it. Not because God was forcing them to do it, but because they desired to do it. Neale Donald Walsch talks about this in many of his works. That desire to do the right thing is what is actually the meaning of life. What is the point of it all? In his book, THE. ONLY THING THAT MATTERS, he points out that what you desire is all that really matters, or something like that. He says it in more articulate language than I could ever come up with at this hour, it’s 11 o’clock at night and I’ve had a long day.

So just remember, my name is Nina not Ninda.


This is the biggest Necklace I own

Do I kind of look like a rapper?

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