
Nina this is the first time I’m talking to you directly in this life. I did not pick you, you earned this.



OMG that makes so much more sense, thank God. 

Am I the woman for all the planets or just earth?


Goddess: Say it with me, “Am I the goddess of all the planets or just earth?”

Nina: whispers the question to herself. 

god and nina whisper to each other: WE EARNED THIS

Nina to god: never mind…

Goddess: I am the real GOD, the GODDESS. But I am neither female nor male nor man nor woman. I am what you earthlings call female energy. You are not used to this.

GODDESS: that is a fan of yours from your blog calling you from India again, how many calls have you gotten today?

nina: um I don’t know I lost count. 

Goddess: This man is calling you a third time because He is deeply moved by your words. Not because he wants to sleep with you. Yes, he loves you, and many of your fans have told you that. In India, English is not their first language. They understand what you are saying completely, but you don’t understand their English. They understand you more than Americans do or ever will. That is why I had you promote the blog only in India after it failed over and over in the U.S. It’s not because of the color of your skin, but because they literally don’t understand your message, some not at all. Not even a little bit. Whereas in India, they get it, they got it 12 years ago when you started this blog. But you didn’t start promoting your blog in India until…yes you need to publish this on your blog. Yes and yes. I will Edit your blog so you don’t offend even those who should be offended. I will protect you. I am God.     

Let them call you, every now and then, you should answer. It will be great fun. 

I can’t answer that for you right now, you are not ready to hear the answer and as you know, you are a woman. God was not gentle enough with you, as I told him many times to be. But he has his own ways with you and he is your Father and I respect him and that. You just picked up your phone again, please I ask that you don’t pick up your phone while we are in session. We only have 6% power left. Yes your sister understands you are busy, she is not mad at you, she’s never mad at you, ever. Ever. She told you that. 

Nina: Is this really happening?

Goddess: Yes

Nina: I don’t know if I believe you.

Goddess: I know, we’ve tried this for centuries, since the beginning of the earth.

god to nina: What the fuck?

Goddess: We can’t seem to get it right.

nina and god: But I thought you were perfect.

Goddess: We are not perfect in the sense that you understand the word. We are perfect but our perfection is beyond your understanding

Nina: If I take my medicine regularly will I still hear your voice?

Goddess: Of course. I was going to tell you that was s stupid question until I realized it was the most important question you could have asked. I apologize for that.

NINA: WHAT did you just say?

nina: I took my Catlypa sorry Caplyta 42 MG Capsule

Goddess: Take it at night every night, it will help you sleep. 

Nina: Gotcha

I reached for my phone.

Goddess: I’m sorry do you have something better to do?

Nina: no, but as you said that my best friend just texted me. can I check it?

Goddess: No, crazy. No you cannot. 

Nina: got it

god and nina: nervous laughter

Goddess: No, you cannot answer your phone when it is ringing either.

Nina: Yes, M’am

Goddess: And again I am aware that you have plans with someone tonight and she probably wants to cancel because the weather is so bad. I am aware that your car got stuck in the snow. I am aware of Everything. Everything. Just like GOD.

Nina: so You and Him are ONE?

Goddess: And me and you are one.

Goddess: It does not matter how many times she texts you, you are speaking with the Goddess right now. Pay attention. 

god and me: Smiling REal Big!

Goddess: I am your mother, WE ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON, I am your MOTHER, this is for the Jesus freaks out there, I AM YOUR MOTHER, WE ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON, this is for the Sikhs out there, I am your real Mother. 

Nina: Hi Mom


Goddess: Hello Nina…you are my daughter, you have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to hear me. 

Nina: I only have 14 percent battery left..

Goddess: You worry about the oddest things. 

Nina: Paper, I need paper and a pen?

god: opening his eyes wide. 

Nina: I see a pad of paper, I’ll find a pen

Goddess: We may be done at 0%

Nina: I’m sorry I don’t trust you fully or something like I live in the ugly shadows of hell, hell on earth, whatever.

Goddess: It’s not whatever, it’s the truth…GOD shared some stuff with you that was overwhelming and sent you into a manic episode in your basement before you went to the hospital, is that correct?

nina to god: did you know about her, that she was trying to reach me?

god: We were both trying to reach you, all three of us were. God, Goddess, and me.

Goddess: Neale needs to read this right now send it. 

Nina: OK… you…miss you

Nina has huge smile on her face.

Goddess: Submit reply my dear little girl.

GODDESS: I will usually come to you in the mornings since everyone’s phone will be off, except for India, which they will try to be respectful of your sleeping schedule as well. 

Nina: Ummm thanks.

Goddess: I know you are in awe of me.

Nina: Yup, as my best friend would say. Yes mam’

Goddess: You need to go now about your business. Be kind to your mother, she is losing the love of her life. 

Nina: you are right

Goddess: You are always right. And so am I.

Good night, I’m in India. Where I live.



Member Since:
May 16, 2018



January 25, 2023 - 2:31 pm

India is where I reside on earth.—GODDESS



Forum Posts: 109

Member Since:
May 16, 2018



January 26, 2023 - 1:25 am


Ummm, whoever is reading this, are you finding this as crazy as I am? My blog just went viral in India! 

me and god: What the actual fuck?

Neale I need your guidance!




You need to take care of your health. 



Maddy: Trier, Germany

Neale Talks About How to Receive What You Want...

Jan 07, 2023

My dear friends...

We have been talking on and off here about the Path to Self-Awareness, and most recently about the Second Step on that path: Enlargement. This week I would like to take a look at how we may go about achieving Enlargement. One way, at least.  

I see a three-part approach here. First, cause another to have the experience. Second, step into the experience yourself fully, even if only for a moment. Third, savor the experience in memory, where all miracles reside.

May I explain?

1. Cause another to have this experience

Nothing is more powerful in the creation of our reality than the process of creating that reality for another. Conversations with God gave us this clue in the very first dialogue book. "That which you wish to experience for yourself," the dialogue tells us, "cause another to experience."

It is often challenging for us to create certain experiences of Ultimate Reality interiorly. The truths of Who We Are and How Life Works can be difficult to embrace or to implement on a personal level, owing to our own lack of self-worth. Somebody says "Thou art God" and we just can't believe it. We can't accept it. We can understand it, intellectually, but we can't implement it, operationally. That is, we find it hard to operate that way.

This is true not only when we consider the Totality of Our Being, but even when we seek to embrace only one or two of its parts. For instance, a part of Divinity is Love. Another part is Wisdom. Yet another part is Goodness. Yet when we try to enlarge our "sense of self" to include descriptions of ourselves such as these, we find ourselves rejecting these labels. We can think of too many times when we have not been loving, when we have not been wise, when we have not been good. So, no, we are not that, we tell ourselves. We deny the Divinity within.

("I tell you, you will deny me three times before the cock crows.")

Yet what we cannot see in ourselves, we can easily see in another. That is because we are more generous with others than we are with ourselves. We are willing to overlook more in others. We are willing and able to see that temporary diversions do not a life path make. We are clear that the truth of another's Being resides within, whether it is demonstrated or not. We can see that truth if we want to. We can see it instantly, without having to look very hard for it.

That is why I say that for many, the first part of experiencing Enlargement will be creating that experience in and for another. When another has the experience as a result of you, you have the experience as well--because what moves through you sticks to you!

Therefore, use the fact that you can see the beauty in others more easily than you can see your own. Cause others to see their own beauty. Produce in others an appreciation (that is, an enlargement) of the Self. Draw out from others an awareness of Who They Really Are. In so doing, you will cause, produce, and draw out the same experience within yourself. 

You cannot give away what you do not have, yet giving it away  causes you to have the experience that you have it!

This is one of the most important things I could ever say to you. This is one of the biggest secrets of life. You will remember that in the section of this writing devoted to Discernment it was said: All of this can be ours whenever we share it. It is the sharing of anything that gives us a true and full experience of it, and there is no other way.

We can have all the money in the world, but if we don't spend it, we will never experience it fully. Holding it gets us nothing. We'll be outside, in the cold, pressing our noses against the candy store window. We can't enjoy the sweetness of life because we're freezing our assets off.

We can conceive of ourselves as loving beings, but if we don't show our love to another, we will never experience it fully. Holding onto it gets us nothing. We have to give it away to know what it is like to have it at all.

This is true of everything in life. Why do you suppose God gives everything to us?

So, if you seek the experience of Enlargement, cause another to experience one's self as Enlarged. See the Biggest Part of others, and tell them that you see that. Be a mirror for their grandest selves, and reflect that back to them! Move through life giving people back to themselves. Most people have deserted themselves, abandoned themselves, stepped away from their highest thoughts about themselves. They have become small. They have allowed themselves to be little by having themselves belittled - by themselves as well as by others. They have listened to what others have told them and they have accepted it as truth. Go, then, and tell people a New Truth about themselves, the truth of Who They Are. Give them a rich experience of themselves and you will give yourself a rich experience of yourself. You will be enlarged by enlarging others. It can turn out no other way.

(Next time: Part 2 - Step into the experience yourself, fully.)

With Love,

Read this week's Letter to Neale here


Read a message from one of the prisoners impacted by our Prison Outreach HERE

Nina Uppal