WHat's Money got to do with Spirituality?????
EVERYTHING. You need money to live. My dad, who I am seeing today in the nursing home, taught me that.
According to Sikhism you must live in this world and find God. You need money, a lot of it, to survive in this world.
But according to Conversations with God, we have a bad mindset about money, we think it is bad, and that’s why we don’t have any. That’s why we pay our teachers nothing and our rockstars and football players everything. What do we pay our preachers? Our Ragi’s? Our Imam’s? Our Priests for goddsake?
Money is hard between friends, between lovers, between family. Money can ruin everything, because it is everything. Money is survival. Everything in this world we live in is based on money. I need to go to Starbucks right now and spend 5 dollars on an overpriced drink because I happen to have the resources to do that. I’m lucky. I’m very lucky.
Maybe you are not so lucky when it comes to money. It’s not your fault, the world is an ugly place that is probably not valuing the work that you do. BUt remember God values your work and you. Get in tune with your godself and the money will come. I promise you…
Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash