Guest Blogger: Jeff Whitcher
After years of dabbling unsuccessfully and with
little satisfaction in various genres of fiction including humor,
science fiction and horror I recently decided somewhat by default that
my real niche is writing poems for children.
This is not the most prestigious direction to take as a writer and it’s
nothing you’ll hear me bragging about at parties or to the cashier at
Target. As it turns out, there are hundreds of thousands of other
writers just like me who have come to the same conclusion.
Do an Amazon search for books of children poetry. If you care to know
there are approximately 6.3 billion books classified as poetry books for
kids, give or take a couple thousand. But you know what’s really
interesting? Mine are better than all of them. Yes,
you heard me right. I could kick anyone’s ass in a children’s poetry
slam (if such a thing existed) any day of the week. Do I really believe
that? Am I really that arrogant? If I am, should I feel bad about it?
Here is a sample from my second book. This poem is entitled ‘Have You Ever Heard’
Have you ever heard a goldfish burpor a tiny hamster hiccup?
If you listen careful
you can get an earful
of a million sounds most folks don’t pick up
Like a salamander chewing gum
or a caterpillar sneezing
If you crouch near a thistle
you’ll hear a moth whistle
and maybe a butterfly wheezing
You ought to hear (if you haven’t yet)
a field mouse’s fingers snapping
And while out exploring
you should hear the snoring
of a grasshopper happily napping
You can sometimes hear a snail shriek
if you come up behind and scare him
Our world abounds
with the strangest sounds
if you’re long enough quiet to hear them
When I was a kid I devoured all the Shel
Silverstein books. I loved the imagery, the cadence, the cleverness, the
sick humor, the fact that the dude who wrote them was a bald hippie who
also wrote the lyrics to one of Johnny Cash’s
most beloved songs (and as it turns out a whole shitload of songs by
the band Dr. Hook - but I’m not holding that against him). And every
time I read one I wished I had written, which was about 95% of them, I
told myself, “I can write one just as good if not
better!” That’s the thing about inspiration. You have to have a certain
amount of arrogance to admire a work of art and try to emulate it. And
why emulate unless you think you are capable of producing something
that’s just as good if not better? I mean, why
bother? I think that’s why I quit trying to write humor, science
fiction and horror stories. Every time I read a great science fiction
story I have a hard time convincing myself I could do better. Do I
wish I could write a better horror story than Stephen King? Hell,
yes. Do I believe I can? Hell, no. Today I read Dr. Seuss books and
think, “That’s pretty good, but give me eight hours in a room alone with
a laptop and I bet I can come up with something
better.” So yes, I am in a sense very arrogant about what I do well.
Here is another poem from my first book, ‘What if Balloons Didn’t POP?’
My bicycle has sixteen wheelsand yes, I need them all,
so when I ride I’m guaranteed
that I will never fall.
My bicycle has sixteen wheels
I’m glad each one is there,
Because if I should get a flat
I’ve fifteen more to spare.
My bicycle has sixteen wheels
It goes so fast it shakes,
and now I’m kind of wishing
that my bike had sixteen brakes!
Whether anyone else thinks my work stands up
to Silverstein or Seuss is up to them but I’ll go right on believing I’m
every bit as good, otherwise I’ll just give up. That being said the
reality is that at the end of the day my
first book sold barely 100 copies and I can count on one finger the
sales of my second book (which by the way is entitled ‘Have You Ever
Heard A Goldfish Burp?’ and is available for $6.99 on Amazon). Duck
Dynasty will probably sell more children’s books in
a day then I will sell in a lifetime. Did you know there is a series of
Duck Dynasty books for kids? Guess what? Mine are better.