yeah, yeah, yeah
It's Sunday morning, I'm late, I usually write my blogs before...I like to reserve Sundays as my peaceful days. Days I can think what I want, say what I want, be who I want.
Sunday is a day for me.
It's a grey day, it makes you want to fall back asleep. It's uninspiring. Let me tell you what was inspiring this week though...we had a discussion about stem cell research in my college composition class that I teach.
We talked about how the stem cell research could lead to cloning. If someone was cloned, would the clone have a soul? Then we got on the topic of souls and spirituality.
This was of course my favorite topic in the world, and I shared some of my ideas and experiences. Mostly how recently I started meditating again, I go on and off with it, but I started hard core again. I've noticed some real changes since I started again.
Not only has my attitude changed, but the universe seems to be working more in my favor. I think if you channel the energy in the universe it works for you. Better things started happening in my life, interesting people began to enter my existence.
I'm a bad meditator. I will be meditating and take a break to check my phone or the Internet. I don't always have the attention span of a holy goddess. However, even with all my mistakes, I've still been able to channel something real.
It has made me happier. It has made me stronger. I feel like I can get through this life easier. I only meditate for like half an hour, if that. But I try to bring my meditation in my everyday life, I try to be mindful. I try to see the divinity in everything.
Even in grey Sunday mornings. There is a beauty to them. I want to fight with the sky and make the sun come out. But in my heart I know that the overcast day is my test, the test to see if I can be happy without a sun.
Maybe you are looking for something new in your life. Maybe the status quo is not working for you. Maybe you need a change. The ugliness of the world may be creeping up on you, scaring you.
I implore you to look inside, where the real beauty lies. I don't meditate because I want to or because it is fun, at this point in my life I have to. I can't take life without it. It's too hard otherwise.
I need this. Maybe you need this too. Maybe we all need this.