Comedy and Tragedy in Suburbia

comedyYou know I’ve been talking about a lot of very serious and emotional issues lately on this blog. I feel like I used to be more fun! Was I?I don’t know.I mean I’ve been reading my old blog posts and I feel like I used to have a more sarcastic and flippant tone. Oh my god, is it because I turned forty? Am I turning into a boring old person already? This is bad. This could be fatal. I could die of a heart attack or something if I continue being this serious.masksSo let’s have some fun. Let’s try to do it without making jokes about Donald Trump and see how long that lasts. He is funny, mind you. But he’s not worth my time, honestly.I need some material, it’s hard trying to be a comic, without having funny things to say and do and be. I do great impressions of a middle-aged Jewish woman living in Brooklyn, New York. I’m Indian mind you, so it’s even funnier than it would be if I were white.What’s funny to you? What do you find hilarious? I find my love life pretty comical I will admit. Internet dating is a joke if I’ve ever heard one. I stopped doing it lately because…I have no idea why I stopped actually. Could it be because I’m sick of little men with big heads and small, you know what’s?I don’t like talking to potential dates online, I want to meet people in person. I don’t want to find out if we have chemistry, I just want to have it or not have it. I want to know a guy’s real name and look him in the eyes. I want to see if he is a gentleman by his actions, not just his words.But that isn’t that funny, is it? You know what’s funny? I usually am humorous when it is inappropriate. I have laughed when I have found out people have died, before I cried of course. I have laughed when apologizing to someone for something I did wrong. It is a nervous reaction of mine. I don’t know how to react sometimes to something without laughing.I’ve cried when laughing. I’m really good at laughing actually, especially with other people. I get in these moods where I just keep laughing and laughing and the jokes keeping getting worse, but I can’t stop laughing and at that point everything is funny. Saying hello to someone is the funniest thing in the Universe. Several people who are close to me have told me they have never laughed harder than they have in my presence. I’m honored by that compliment more than almost any other compliment I’ve ever received.comedy writersI’m not sure if it is because I’m actually hilarious or if I just have a contagious laugh. I like to think it’s because of my wit and sense of humor. But sometimes I feel like I’m becoming more deadly as I’m getting closer to my death. When I say deadly I mean I’m becoming less and less able to view the humor in very serious situations. Life is funny; there is plenty of material there. However, life is also a sad and complicated situation. Yet even in the midst of all this cacophonous chaos, you can always flip it around and laugh at it. You must. (I used a really big word there. I'm proud of myself.)It is mandatory that you see the lighter side of life if you really want to live it. If you really want to live that is. I mean, after all, we could be the result of a bad joke gone wild. Maybe the gods were betting no one could make something as crazy as this earth. Maybe the gods are laughing at us. Perhaps god or the goddess thinks in our natural state we are simply hilarious.And we are aren’t we. Need I mention the election? It seems like a dog and pony show with a dirty clown as the star. I hate clowns, but they do put on a funny show. I think the biggest reason Donald Duck, or whatever is name is, is popular because it’s so easy to laugh at him and forget how badly he sucks. (I know I said I wouldn't mention him again, so I didn't mention him by name.)Stupid people are hilarious just for the fact of being so dumb. I hope I’m not funny because I’m kind of stupid…Aren’t we all kind of stupid when we start to laugh hysterically and continue to make worse and worse jokes? We all have a dumb side that can be truly humorous. When you let yourself go and don’t worry about your intellect, sometimes you are more you.Funny, being funny is actually quite difficult and requires a lot of intelligence. If you listen to really good comedians they are usually telling us some truths that we find to be oddly true or giving us some insight into life that we never thought of. However, they go from there to stupid and crazy real fast sometimes. They can take a situation, and exaggerate it and make it something else altogether. That is an art. It takes talent.comedy signLaughing at yourself is the ultimate laughter. If you can’t laugh at the absurdity of life, especially your own life, you will be miserable. Life is a joke. I mean really, isn’t it kind of? The punchline is death. We did it all to die. This whole drama, this entire theatrical production is a comedy with temperamental stars, an annoying plot, and extras who think they should be the stars. And in the last act we all end up buried in the ground, or burned to ashes.I'm one of the extras who wants to be a star. I feel like I should be famous, or rich, or both. Hear me out here. I want to be a joke, the good kind.Is that vain? Is that superficial? Is that wrong? Is it wrong to have dreams that you are the shit? I know a crack or opiate problem usually accompanies these dreams, but everyone has to sacrifice something, don’t they?Anyways, back to my point: funny is as funny does. What does that even mean, though? I think comedians should rule the world, I truly want Jon Stewart to run for president. He is one of the smartest celebrities out there. He is so articulate while being so damn hilarious.This post is not funny at all like I had planned it to be. I hope I can still amuse you after all these years. If I don’t make you laugh, hopefully, I can make you think. Think about how funny you really are.nina
