Are you Enlightened or just Lactose Intolerant?

Greatest title ever written, thanks to a good friend.You want to know what that title means? That’s what you come up with after a day of doing absolutely nothing with a good old friend. When my mind is free, I can truly come up with some garbage.What’s in your mind that wants to get out? Like toxic thoughts and weird shit that needs to be released. Release it. And then sit by the fire…Cookies, chai by the fire, not presents, no presents, just cinnamon candles lighting the house. This is the holidays. I hate to be cheesy but I can’t help it, it’s the holidays. Whether you are happy about Christmas or just a break from work, either way these are the days.I am visiting with an old friend from High School…he is hilarious. We laugh about the past and about today; the jokes don’t get old. We are getting old, though. But when we meet it is like time has stood still. I’m still that scatter-brained metaphysical maniac, and he’s still that smart, successful and ambitious boy.The only difference, I am a woman now. I was a girl back then, back in the day… I had crushes on total losers and can’t believe in hindsight that I pined after them. OK they weren’t total losers, but maybe I wasBut who is losing now? Who is cool? Who’s not cool? What does cool even matter anymore? I just need to pay my bills and find a man, not a boy, not a loser, a man. Besides that, I could care less if I am ‘cool.’To the millennials that I teach, cool is as cool does. They don’t have the same kinds clicks that we used to have in high school. There is a school where a transgendered woman was prom queen. Back in my day, if you were different, you were in the closet.I was different, but not in a closet kind of way. Not sexual orientation wise. I was just my own person. Or so I like to think.So me and my friend, we’ll call him Joe, were sitting around shooting the shit. Definitely not writing our film script we have been working on for years. Instead, He made me cancel all my subscriptions to everything. Like Match, Eharmony, Ipsy (Which by the way is a subscription to makeup products every month), I had a random 20 dollars subscription to Eckhart Tolle’s teachings, he said I must get rid of that, also because I never looked at the teachings.So I am officially saving 78 dollar a month.What am I going to do with this extra 78 dollars. Save it? Donate it? Buy more expensive coffees at Starbucks?...It remains to be seen, I will keep you posted.But more importantly, I’m looking at the woman with the green hair at the teahouse that I take my friend too. She is diligently making tea. If I had green hair would I be diligent. Would I be different?I don’t know if it takes green hair, or green eggs and ham…oh never mind.Oh Sam I am…I wish I could write a tale like Dr. Sues. What was he a doctor of I wonder? Hmmm….This is so random, if you’ve read this far, I don’t know what to tell you.But this is it, my mind free in the holidays, not cluttered by work or stress. This is just my mind.nina

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