Empty Rooms

 Emptiness is the only thing that's realjust as real as the wet grass you walked away on,this feeling of nothingnessthe honesty of empty space. It has nothing to saywhile the clocks continue to count,nowhere to goit just is, it is being. We are not just one person,there are three parts of usone standing right here in peaceand the other two fighting over nothing. Which one will you honorwhich woman will you take to bed?Your inner goddessor the madness that strikes you in your dreams. God I miss youyour small gestures, your handsand the creases you left on the carpetwhen you abandoned me. You said it was nothingas if nothing has a name.Nothing at all, that was the reasonyou felt nothing, nothing for me anymore. Now I'm left with this empty magic placethe fragrance of our fate fills the room.This heart full of nothingthis place that has no boundaries. There is no beginning or end to spacethe same air that you breathe in, I breathe out.You said you needed to breathewere you holding your breath before? When you said you were saying wordsthat weren't your ownyou said you knew nothing.And I listened as if that was something to hear. Now I stand in this beautiful roomthat is empty, empty of your preciousthoughts. Of your colorful costumesof the small paintings in your eyes. The faces that you madeto meet my face. You never saw meI was the blank space between your wordsbefore and after what you had to say. The moments that don't matterare the ones I rememberlike when you screamed until I said nothingand I held my breath until you stopped. Silence is all I have nowsinging won't bring you back.Since you left there is no more noiseand all the absence of words, cannot bring me you.nina
