
 Let's change the world before halftime, intermission,by being ourselves, by being real.The show is almost over and we are still sitting in the backtaking pictures instead of being able to feel.We want to capture moments instead of being in the moment.I'm standing right in front of youwhere did you go when I said your name?Life is a gamble but it is not a game.To know yourself is to really look at a flower,to be yourself, if even for an hour.Infinity is your friend as youwait for tomorrow.Don't cry, don't you cry, this is still your life.It doesn't need to be recorded or put on the Internet.In order to have validity and be a sacred journey.It needs to be felt and discovered as you walk and as you sit.You are amazing, there is no one like youdon't you walk away from this life,no one else is going to be youyou have to fill your own shoes.You don't have to wait for the light to turn green.All of us are watching,we won't run you over if you break the rules.This is it, this is the only chance you get to be youdon't wait for congratulationsyou have always been free to spin aroundand move a different way when you lose.In a world that is spinning in the universeyou can move in your own circlesthere is no one here testing your path.Take the road, take any road,it matters little which one you choose.We will keep time as you run through the avenues,you are the one who is racing yourselfwin or lose. nina
