The Enemy of the People

Do you ever notice that all the famous comedians on T.V. are liberal and hate the president? Isn't it interesting there is not one good comedian who is a conservative who supports the president? What does that say about conservatives? What does that say about Trump? What does that say about those who support him?I think it says a lot.These comedians who make fun of Trump are our new activists. They are the ones telling the truth instead of the president. Things are backwards in this era, they are twisted. The truth-tellers are the jokers and clowns. The jokster was invented to entertain the kings. Now the man who thinks he is a king is entertaining us.The real jokes lately are told about the things tweeted by the President of the United States of America.I think that's a little funny, but more than anything it is scary and sad.What's also crazy is that the president actually tweeted how bad he thought the comedians who make fun of him are. Pathetic.I have always thought that comedy is a form of philosophy, intellectualism and sometimes protest. But mostly things are funny because they are true. The truth is hilarious.Trump doesn't know what the truth is and doesn't speak it. This is not news to anyone and this is not fake news. Also, this makes him have no sense of humor.It's also not fake news to ridicule the president, it's freedom of speech. The Onion, a comedy newspaper, had a story recently where they said that there was nothing funny or outrageous to make up anymore since reality was funnier and more outrageous than anything they could think up.It seems as though the world is losing its mind. A group of people, who shall remain unnamed, voted for a complete idiot who shall remain unnamed. He has the potential to really mess up world order. He is doing that very thing as we speak.So what is the average, normal, intelligent human with at least two brain cells to rub together supposed to do? Laugh with the comedians and vote. Walk and protest. Campaign for people we believe in. Write stories about how frustrated we are and try to con people into reading them.There's a lot of venting at the moment, apparently, you and I aren't the only ones. C'mon admit it, I know you. You are sick of all this BS and want things to change. If you hear the president's name one more time, you may or may not throw up your lunch. I understand. I feel exactly the same way.I'm kind of in the media, I mean I only have like 300-600 visits on my blog a day so far, but I'm working to get millions to read my stuff. So being in the media, according to the prez, I'm the enemy of the people. Just like the 'Failing New York Times' I'm just trying to report my truth. Little old me is an 'Enemy'? Wow, I'm a big bad influence. I'm honored actually, I've never really had a real title before.I don't have any editors or anything so I can basically say anything that's on my mind and sort of get away with it.It's not that I don't need an editor, I just can't pay one since I'm not getting paid to write this. Although once I start trying to sell a book on this blog, things could change for the better and someone might be able to tame my wild mind. But for the moment I'm on my own. I apologize for any offensive things I may have said that upset you. But then again, I'm really not that sorry, I'll be honest. Just trying to tell the truth here.I'm so 'wild' I think people should have the right to burn the flag. If that's how you feel about America, you should have the right to express it. I don't necessarily find the need to burn the American Flag myself, but I understand why someone would. I empathize, sympathize. It's called compassion.There are a lot of people struggling in this very country because of the government of this very country.I struggle every day. To make ends meet, to not sell my soul in order to make ends meet. I happen to accidentally have healthcare at the moment, but the way the GOP is working, that could go away at any moment. I lost my job at the college this semester because of low enrollment. I worry that I will never find a good, solid job at a good University.I'm on the same wavelength as many Americans. I'm doing OK because of a number of factors that are balanced, but the balance could be upset at any time. I'm walking on a tightrope too. I think many of us are.I'm not a Socialist per say, I'm a Democratic Socialist. I think people are being metaphorically economically molested by straight capitalism. I don't think any theory, including socialism, works by itself. We need to mix the theories and create a recipe that works.I don't think it should be a dog eat dog kind of world where the privileged get all the spoils. I learned how to share in Kindergarten. Apparently, Trump graduated from Kindergarten, or so they say. He allegedly passed grad school as well. It's actually kind of shocking. I mean that he is educated. I used to think educated people were smarter than regular people. I was wrong.You don't need an education to know what's right. The guy who wrote that Op-Ed in the New York times described Trump's biggest problem as the fact that he is 'amoral.' A man without morals with the code to nuclear bombs is clearly frightening. It's actually not funny. We laugh, because how else can we imagine how to handle this.There is nothing actually humorous about the fact that a complete moron is running this country. He wants to make it so the Free Press is not as free. Because we hurt his feelings.Boo hoo.I wish I could say I was sorry about that. What am I saying? No, I don't.I'm not sorry.So to all the comedians out there, professional or otherwise. Please continue...go on with your bad selves! To all the media out there, don't fear him, fear, fear.nina

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