Internet Stalkers

I realize I'm not an actual celebrity. Actually, I'm not a celebrity at all. However, I do have Internet stalkers. Apparently, you can 'video chat' or make a phone call to someone on Facebook. So these stalker dudes will call me, repeatedly and send me messages on Facebook messenger. Now you ask, why did I accept their friend requests? Because I have a bunch of friends on Facebook that I don't know, I keep them so they might read my blog and become fans. I know I'm probably never gonna have a fan club or anything, but this stalking business is real.I've had to block two or three guys already. Most of my stalkers live in India, they will say good morning to me at night, because they are inconsiderate stalkers. One guy just sent me a porn meme and that was it. I want to ask him, how's that working out for you? What woman in her right mind is going to reply to a guy who serenades her with pornography?I'm not this popular in real life, I don't have any real-life stalkers, luckily and thankfully. I mean that stalking is not a joke. I know women who have suffered greatly at the hands of a pervert stalking them. It's painfully real.Internet stalking is real as well. You feel violated, however that BLOCK button makes you feel really powerful. I finally told the last dude today that I was not interested and could he just leave me alone. His response: a love emoji with hearts and a "Why? Because I'm Indian?"How did he guess? That must be the reason I blocked him. In fact, it's the only possible reason. I must be one of those Indian women who hates Indian men, especially from India. It's honestly because he said goodnight to me at the crack of dawn. He could never understand me if he can't understand my time zone. Does he even know I live in a different time zone? How idiotic is this dude?One guy who stalked me was straight up from a village in India. He was dressed like a villager and I could see his village in the background of his pictures. I won't date someone who lives in Ohio, but I will definitely consider a villager in rural India. Some random dude who lives thousands of miles away is trying to get in touch with a woman who barely speaks the same language as him. I'm sure he barely knows English. I'm positive I barely know Hindi. But yet he believes we are connected by the stars.What are they thinking? That I am going to drop everything and marry them and then they will get a green card and move to America? Do they think I will fall in love with them over Facebook Messenger? Who are these people? Village or city, India or America, why do men stalk women on the Internet? I say, men, because a woman may not bother to do something so pointless as stalking a dude from ten thousand miles away. Internet stalking is kind of a stupid methodology if you ask me. They do realize that this 'connection' they are making is in cyberspace right? And that an I.P. address is not a real place like a street address that you can GPS to? They do know that it as close to making believe you have a girlfriend as you can get, right?It's almost like pretend stalking. If the consequences were not so real. It becomes legit the moment you interrupt my life, the minute you frighten me even just a little bit. One ounce of discomfort and you have crossed the line. I want to make it clear here, I'm not making light of people who have been stalked on the Internet.What I'm making fun of his how stupid these stalkers are. They think they can do or say anything because they are on the World Wide Web. They think they are protected behind their screens. People will write things on the web that they would never say in real life. Internet trolls do the same thing.You can be anyone you want on the Interwebs. You can use filters to make yourself look better, you can slim yourself. I only show headshots because I'm not comfortable having my body scrutinized on social media. Somehow I'm OK having my mind looked at with a microscope on this blog. But I'm a lot more comfortable with my mind than my body.All of a sudden all of us on social media have a public personality. We want to show people our fake selves in the best light. I am guilty of this just as much as anyone else. I'm not going to reveal here my deepest fears and biggest flaws. I'm trying as much as I can to be authentic, but it's hard when you are being seen in the public eye.I want to say something to Internet stalkers. I don't know you, and I don't want to know you. I don't think it's cool that you really like me. I think you are a loser and I want you to leave me alone. And you should know you are doing something wrong. Just because you are on the Internet does not mean you don't have to play by the rules of life. What you are doing is illegal and you could get into a lot of trouble. Just stop.And to those of you who have Internet stalkers, I want to say: block them, report them. Let them know that you will take action against them. Don't use your real name on the Internet. Don't ever post your address or phone number.I know people who have posted their address and phone number on the web, that is why I say this. I don't use my real name on here. So if you are looking for Nina Kaur, you may be knocking on the wrong door.The woman who yesterday testified against a supreme court nominee, saying that he sexually assaulted her, is now getting death threats. This is the kind of world we live in. My mom just told me the other day that I speak too loudly against Republicans and I could get into trouble. I told her that I will keep speaking up for what I believe in. She is not happy about this. I am not happy that people want to censor me.I will not be censored and I will not be violated on the Internet, or in life in general. I'm not going to put up with that and I'm not going to remain silent. Protect yourself, but still, speak your mind. It can be a difficult balance. Balance anyways.nina

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