Nothing To See Here

I mean NOTHING is going on in the world these days. What in the world will we talk about today?Maybe, just maybe about how idiots are now the ruling class. The fact that they have reinstated the notion of a ruling class is absurd. It's not just in America. Look at some of Trump's buddies like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Some are even suspicious of the Prime Minister of India, Modi. Did he or did he not steal all that black money? Even though he put toilets in a lot of places where toilets belong. However, the most controversial thing that a leader can talk about is whether or not a woman has the right to have an abortion.I can't even imagine what it is like for people in say North Korea or India to have an abortion. And I fear it will become that bad in the U.S. I would like to ask the old white men who are trying to regulate this, are you planning on having an abortion? Why are you so invested in what I do with my body? This is the main reason for the Supreme Court Nominee issue. Abortion.Let me give you a glimpse of the movie, Idiocracy. It is about a world where all the smart people are too busy to reproduce, so all the dumb people reproduce and then most people are now stupid. Hmmmm...that could almost explain the percentage of Americans that voted for Trump. Almost but not quite. Is it in their very jeans or genes to be illiterate enough to vote for a man who clearly is a moron? They are not deplorable, they are dumb. And they all wear similar jeans because they have similar genes.It all makes sense now, doesn't it? Let me ask you this, are you a smart person? If you said yes, you probably are thinking of having one or two kids. People who think that birth control is to quote Brett Kavanaugh, "an abortion-inducing drug" will have lots of kids by nature of the fact that they think that life begins when a man masturbates. The fact that they think something the size of a single-celled amoeba is an actual baby makes me think they didn't pay attention in science class.But this is not just about abortion, or is it? Is everything that is going on in Washington at this moment all about pleasing the pro-life movement? Is there a ton of pro-lifers because they don't use birth control or get abortions? They have found out how to rule the world: reproducing. If more of your people are having babies, your people will eventually win elections. Trump won because conservatives are reproducing at a faster rate than liberals. That is how these people increase their numbers and eventually elect their own kind.Liberals might become obsolete, many of them are afraid to bring a child into this horrible world. Conservatives think that the purpose of marriage is to reproduce. Do you see how we could get birthed out of the government? Republicans are reproducing at a rate Democrats cannot compete with.I'm so smart I smarted myself out of having kids. Geniuses like myself will never let the world have more of our genes.I get this distinct feeling that conservatives think that liberals want to have abortions. That we are like eagerly waiting in line for when it's our turn. Like it's on our bucket list or something. Let me give you a clue: no one wants to have an abortion. Women get abortions because they cannot bring a living, breathing human being into the world and properly care for it for the next eighteen years.Conservatives are so worried about babies before they are born, but the minute they are born they don't want to give them things like healthcare or a college education. They want to give them a gun because it's never to early to learn how to shoot, but if you happen to get shot, good luck finding a doctor who you can afford. They will fight for the life of a bunch of cells that have not formed even a brain yet, but will not use their brains to see the difference between a living breathing human and some tissue you could put into a petri dish and use in a biology experiment.In the end, this is all about god, isn't it? The preachers and the churches and the evangelists and I could go on and on. They have made regular people think that there is nothing worse on this earth than 'killing' a pre-person. They think it's worse than war, famine and definitely domestic violence or rape. They think it's OK that we have the largest amount of nuclear weapons, in fact, we don't have enough killing power they say, because we can only kill all of the world a thousand times over. We need to spend more money on the military they say.They say we need to make more bombs, have more guns, but fight for not killing babies that cannot breathe yet. These pre-babies are so alive and killing them is worse than killing actual living breathing babies in Syria. The embryonic cells swimming around a woman's stomach have more people fighting for them than many immigrants and minorities.Now being a believer in god, does not mean that you have no sense of reality. I feel like god is being abused here and a social worker and a psychologist needs to get involved. Can you imagine how bad god must feel that people are busy fighting for the rights of a person that could maybe exist one day, instead of fighting for the rights of those who actually exist, in his name? I actually feel bad for god in this instance.Let's face it, people actually believe that their nice god would burn them in hell if they have an abortion. But killing humans in wars that we later find out were completely unnecessary, is OK in god's book. That is just human error. But getting pregnant by mistake is an error that you cannot make. And if you are raped, that is part of god's plan.Who is this god that they speak of? I would definitely like to meet him. Actually, I would not be friends with him, he seems like a real jerk. On the one hand, he gives you free will, but if you use your free will and do something that displeases him you go to hell. Is that really free will? Or is their god much like the despots of the countries that I mentioned earlier? God sounds like a real mean being, you either do what he says or wither. That's how Kim Jong Un runs his country. Do you really think that is how god runs the universe?So let me get this straight, if you get pregnant by accident and you don't want to have the child, you will suffer eternal damnation. If you decide that you will make this particular baby miserable and perhaps you don't have the resources to care for this child, is it better to bring the baby into the world and watch it suffer, or go into the horrible foster care system? Sure there is adoption, but is it really OK to force someone to carry something in their body that they don't want, to carry? It's a parasite like creature is in their stomach and they don't want it. (Yes, I did just compare a fetus to a parasite, it is not a human being, it is a thing).Religious people are constantly telling women what to do with their own bodies. And religion carries a lot of weight in this world. It's really not about god, it's about religion. Trust me, there is a difference.I am a big believer in god. But it is so funny how different my version of god is. I don't think he's doing anything to us, I think he's just watching. He's not making it rain, that is the clouds, he let the clouds be free and sometimes they make rain. He let us be free and sometimes we make mistakes.  The very human mistake of an unwanted pregnancy unfortunately happens. Do you really think god is like so mad about it he wants you to suffer? Why? He made a mistake and made us so messed up, does he really have the right to judge?If god can create this world, which is clearly flawed, then we can do things that are flawed as well. The mistakes and flaws are where we discover who we really are. Who are we in the midst of a hurricane? Who are we when we mess up? How do we act when someone else makes a 'mistake'? Do we put them through hell, or understand that they are human and actually very god-like? If god is so great, why did he make us so imperfect? There must be something to be gained from it.Sure god is perfect in his final and true being. But so are we, in our souls. We are all perfect just the way we are. Mistakes and all. Perfection is flawed. That's why it's so beautiful.nina

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