It's Been Awhile

Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash

It's been a while since I wrote about politics, but I guess we can't ignore the elephant in the room forever. Or actually, I mean the big orange buffoon. I don't want to think or really talk about Donald Trump himself because he does not deserve any space or real estate in my head.

What I want to talk about is what created the environment where such a moron could become the leader of the free world. Who are these people who voted this dictating freak into office? 

I think what Trump represents in this country is desperation. I think people were desperate for something different that could possibly change their difficult lives. Life is becoming increasingly difficult in this country. You can't go to the mall or any public space without worrying about a shooter coming and killing you. 

Wages have not gone up in sync without how much prices have risen. It's becoming more and more difficult to afford life. So then why would a complete idiot be the answer to all these problems? Because Trump seemed to many like a regular person, not a politician. He seemed like maybe he wouldn't play the same games as the others. 

But it turns out he plays worse games. I think what he represented for many people was a break from the dynasty of the Clintons. A break from the ordinary politician who says words they don't understand. Trump has the vocabulary of an eight-year-old child. For many people this was refreshing. 

People needed someone to blame for all of their problems. Obama was an easy scapegoat. Obama was a truly authentic and brilliant leader. What is the exact opposite of that? Trump. He represented the everyman with his stupidity. I'm not suggesting that everyone who voted for him is stupid. But I think that people felt that Trump was speaking their regular language and also he was going to make them as rich as he was. 

No one has gotten any richer from him being president, except the rich themselves. I know and understand why the wealthy community voted for him, what I have trouble understanding is why the average worker in rural areas thought that he could save them. 

I think people were just very frustrated with the norm, so they thought they would try something new. Trump was kind of an experiment to see if a regular fool can make it as president. He did, but he may not last long. 

I'm not as upset with Donald Trump as I am with the people who voted for him. It was obvious from the get-go that he is unqualified and just a ridiculous human.

So what do we do now? We don't need to waste our time trying to change the minds of those who support this bastard. We need to align and try to get those that oppose him to vote and become politically active. It is quite obvious that this wretched man who we call president has committed serious crimes and has not done anything for the regular person.

Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

Has you life gotten any better since he was president? Have you gotten any richer? I didn't think so. It's time to start a rebellion, a revolution. In France they beheaded the kings when the people got tired of the same old injustice. 

Let us behead the politicians that are aligned with Trump by voting them out. Let's take a stand and say that we cannot be pushed around by a single uninformed, unethical, and unqualified leader. 

We have to make our voices heard. Trump was OK with a Saudi prince killing a journalist. I am a journalist of sorts. I am willing to take the risk that if he knew some of the things I write about him he would want me dead too. But the country needs people to speak up, to vote and to turn this thing around. 

Life is not over yet even though we have a dictator who is dismantling every attempt we have made to save our environment. We can move on from this if we take a stand. Our vote is our voice. 

Yes, I realize there at two years until the next presidential election. That is OK, it's never too soon to be talking about it. It might take two years to mobilize those that are against him to take action. Most of us are more intelligent than the man running our country. 

It's time we used our intelligence and our personal power to take back this country. If Trump is not impeached, than he will have to be tolerated for two more years. But after that we have the power in our hands to make a difference. I try to make a difference by writing about this.

What will you do?

