

Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash

I was very hesitant to start doing sitting mediation. Which simply means you sit and meditate. I thought that it would be easier and maybe even better if I did different kinds of meditation. Like listening to music and walking, or driving meditation.

I found out there is a reason that people promote the idea of sitting meditation. If you close your eyes and just sit quietly and meditate I personally have found that you get to your destination faster. But where are you trying to go?

If you ask me you are trying to find the love and beauty inside you. When I sit and meditate now, I feel a certain joy or bliss. It's an actual measurable feeling. I know when I'm really concentrating because I'm just happy.

Don't get me wrong, you can feel this way by doing meditation in all its forms. Some even say that writing is a meditation. In fact, all of life should be a meditation. But the reason we take out a little time each day to do concentrated meditation is so that we can set up our minds to be meditative throughout the day.

I also use a mantra, or a word or sound to aid in concentration in meditation. That is the dictionary definition of mantra. I use what I grew up with because it is something that comes second nature to me. I say 'Waheguru' because that is the name of god that Sikhs use in meditation.

However feel free to use any sound, or word that helps you. Some people just say 'Om,' because it is supposed to be the universal sound. I've been trying to find the best way to meditate for years now and I have found that sitting with my eyes closed and repeating a mantra works the best for me. Without a mantra, my mind tends to roam quite a bit.

I will say there are times when I have fallen asleep while meditating. I know some people who cannot do sitting meditation because it always makes them fall asleep. What I would say to that is that you may not be getting enough sleep and you may not be truly concentrating in meditation if you are falling asleep.

But it is also possible that sitting meditation is not for everyone. Perhaps taking a walk and really concentrating on a tree could take you to that place as well. Perhaps listening to music and feeling the vibrations could make you feel light and joyful.

I personally think that it does not have to be religious music that makes you feel spiritual. I think any music can have the same effect if it is concentrated on. Meditation sometimes feels like a chore, something you have to get out of the way to get to the important stuff in your day.

However, I think in reality, it is the only way that you can realize what is important. They say in meditation you stop your thoughts. You don't start by stopping your thoughts though, at first when you sit and meditate you can watch your thoughts. You may notice how ridiculously frivolous they really are.

Your thoughts may automatically stop eventually when you realize how mundane and insignificant they are. Our wild minds are running around thinking the stupidest things on a minute by minute basis. Every second even we are usually thinking of something that is not really important in the whole scheme of things.

Photo by Katie Burkhart on Unsplash

So how do we turn life itself into a meditation? I think by noticing it. By really realizing that you are in this moment, and only this moment. There is a huge 'mindfulness' movement in America. It is not just some new-age bull that is being promoted. It is an actual ancient practice.

All mindfulness really is, is being aware of the moment. Being in it. Being present. When you are talking to someone, not allowing your mind to wander to other things but really focusing on that person. If you are even watching T.V. concentrate on what is happening on the screen. Notice it.

So why do we do this? So we can really live. A lot of times our mind is not paying attention to life itself. It is worrying about the past and the future, instead of living in the present. Awareness is a practice that can be used in all parts of life.

There have been countless studies proving the fact that meditation can improve your mindset and your brain. This is science talking about spirituality. The truth is, all we really want in life is to be happy. Meditation is a shortcut to happiness.

When you are meditating you are not blissful about something in particular. It is just life itself, breathing itself, that is beautiful in that moment. This is because there is nothing particular in life that is brilliant, all of life is dazzling and luminous. It is in noticing the beauty of simplicity that makes one full of delight.

If you have never tried meditation I dare you to try it for a month. You will notice a change in yourself. You only have to do it for a few minutes a day. I do it for half an hour every morning. That works for me. The reason I do it in the morning is so that it sets up my entire day. I would like to also do it at night to have peaceful sleep.

After meditating for some time you will notice that you are more alive, more real, more connected to the world. There is a reason this ancient practice is still used today. It works. It is magnificent.


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