What's Going On Here?


Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

I've been writing a blog post almost every day for more than four months straight. That is a personal record for me. I usually take breaks by now and do not write for months at at time. But I'm trying to change myself in a real way.

Besides the fact that I worry now that I have nothing left to think, say or write, I know that doing this keeps me sane and motivated. I force myself to do this when I don't want to. This is a big change in me.

I never used to force myself to do things when I didn't want to do them. But it turns out even if you are not pleased at the moment, making yourself do the right thing makes you happier overall. I made myself work out enough times that I actually want to do it now. I force myself to meditate even when I don't feel spiritual at all, and I always am glad I did it.

That was not who I was even a few months ago. I spent all of last year reading a lot of spiritually minded books on how to change yourself and help change the world. Now I'm done reading those books and I am actually acting on the principals within them.

Sometimes, many times I would say, maybe even all the time, you just have to do the thing. Just do it. I can contemplate who and what I want to be and do for eons, however, it is when I take that first action, that everything changes.

How does one create change in one's life for the better though? It does take a lot of thinking and reading and contemplating I would argue. You have to reach a state of mind where you realize that if you don't change, you will not grow and this will kill your spirit.

It can be tiring to do all the things you want to do in life. It can be overwhelming at times. Sometimes you want to just screw it all. But if you stick with doing what helps you grow, you will notice a change in your spirit that is everlasting and profound.

Photo by David Calderón on Unsplash

One of my very recent goals is to meet new people and open up my circle of friends. It is a lot of work to meet new people, you have to join clubs or meetups and go to meetings. You have to put yourself out there. When I think about it too much, I wonder if it is worth the effort.

However, if I just jump in and do it, I know I will be better off for it. You can make goals, write in planners and journal forever. But when your thoughts, words, and actions align you become truly powerful. If you want to do a thing, I know it sounds much easier than it is, but just do it.

I've always been more of a thinker than a doer. However, that was stunting my growth. Just thinking and philosophizing about life can only get you so far. At some point, you must act. This has given me the power to get over my depression, lose weight, and finally finish the book projects I have.

But the best part of it, is the sheer joy and contentment I feel in life right now. That is the biggest payoff. Because that is what I am trying to find in life after all. Why are we even alive? What is our purpose?

Our purpose is to figure out why we are alive and do things that answer that question. Everyone has a different answer and we are all right. Your life is about what you want it to be about.

This right here is heaven and hell. There may be an actual place of 'heaven' but you can, in fact, find it in your life and in yourself. Most of us have visited hell a few times and we know what it feels like.

This is not about chasing stars, it is about creating a solid life which you can enjoy. You have that list of things that you have been wanting to do for years, maybe even decades. There is no time like right now.

Get up, and just start doing it. It doesn't matter if you do it perfectly, what matter is if you do it all. Showing up for yourself is the number one way to success. And I'm no success coach or even necessarily a success story. But I know failure, I know it well. Most of my failures are due to the fact that I'm just not doing what I should be doing.

I used to think one thing, say another, and then do the very opposite of all of that. There was a disconnect in my very existence. Alignment within yourself creates peace. What we are searching for is right here. We are there are already at the place we want to be. If we do the things, then we will get to the ultimate place. The place of joy and love.

Again, this may sound like new age bunk. But there is truth in this, I promise. I am a very free spirit by nature and used to believe that discipline would hold me back from that freedom. I have found that quite the opposite is true. Doing things I should do when I don't want to do them is saving my life.

I still contend that being is more important than doing. But eventually we will do something, and it can create who we are on a new level. The beingness can change by doing the things we have always wanted to do.

You want to fix your life? Then fix it. I know it is easier said than done, but it is about time we did something for ourselves. Think about who you want to be and what you have to do to become that person. Then, just do what you got to do.

I know this sounds simple and intuitive. That is because it is. Life is much more simple than we think it is.

Just do it.


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