What To Say About Truth?


Photo by Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash

What to say?

What is there to say in a world that does not understand truth? Do you have any idea what truth is? Is there such a thing? I think there is. I think sometimes I know what it is, other times I am baffled.

Can there be an objective truth? Well I guess that’s a huge broad question. Truth about what?

Let’s ask the age old question, is there a god?

I think that the truth is yes. But how do I know this? I know this is a non-scientific answer, but it is what my intuition tells me. Even intuition is not scientific. The notion that we intrinsically know things is a spiritual concept that has no real factual backing.

Is there even such a thing as a fact? I would say yes to this. Climate change is a fact. A real scientific fact. The truth behind it is that humans are destroying the environment.

But let’s go back to truth. Truth and facts are not always the same, but they are sometimes the same. It is a fact and the truth that people are destroying our planet.

We all know what facts are, they can all be proved. All of the truth cannot be proved.

Love is the ultimate feeling, and the point of life is a truth I believe but cannot prove. There is no proof that love is the absolute best part of life, however, a lot of people might agree that this is true. This is my truth. I have my truth and you have your truth. No one can tell  me my truth is wrong.

Truth is such an esoteric, elusive and slippery thing. It is so hard to define. It is so hard to find. We are all looking for the truth in some way or another. I brought up god because I personally believe our true natures are spiritual.

When I say god, I do not mean the god that is talked about in popular culture. An angry man that judges and condemns. That is not the god that I know. The god that I know is beautiful love and only love. I think we were made in her image.

Photo by JoelValve on Unsplash

What’s your truth? What is the truth that you are looking for? I want to find peace and happiness, I want to know the truth about how one finds that. There are so many different truths about how to find the meaning of life.

I don’t think there is just one right truth, I think everyone has thier unique truth and they should speak it. I will tell you the truth, I have not told you all my truth in this blog. I hide things, I keep things from my audience because I’m not ready to talk about them.

The truth is often hard to accept. There are many truths about myself and my life that I have trouble accepting. I avoid writing about them in such a public forum because I hesitant for the whole world to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, about me.

I tell you this because it may seem to you that you know intimate things about me from reading this blog, but I assure you, you cannot know the all of me just by reading what I post here. There are things that I want to be able to talk about in the future on here, but I’m just not ready yet. There are things that I will never write about in order to protect myself and those who are close to me.

It is not easy to tell your secrets to the world through your writing. You essentially give up a certain privacy in order to be known. The reason I write very personal things in a public forum is that I feel like there are things I want to say.

Some people have asked me why I would reveal myself to the world in this blog. I guess my answer to them is that I am a writer, and part of being a writer is being known and trying to be understood. I can write my life in the form of a novel, a poem or an essay, either way, I am revealing parts of myself, but never my whole self.

My whole self is reserved for my loved ones, family and friends. And even they, do they know my truth? Maybe, sometimes. We all reveal parts of ourselves throughout our lives to different people in different circumstances. But there are only a very select few who know us completely if that is even possible.

I don’t know myself completely. I think I know my truth, but it keeps changing. I’m looking for truth as well, I haven’t found all that I am looking for yet, but I’m getting closer. I know this all sounds kind of abstract, but I guess I’m talking about a concept here, a thought process.

Photo by micah williams on Unsplash

It’s a long drawn out process to find your truth. Most of us are on this journey. Part of the reason I write is that I find answers from myself when I write things down. I find that writing in one of the most important steps in my personal process of healing.

The truth is that I am just as lost as anybody else, but I am also in the process of finding myself. I am learning to enjoy the process, enjoy the ride, the experience. We are here moment by moment, to live moment by moment. I’m trying to notice this moment.

I don’t even know if I have really said anything in all of this right here. I feel like I’ve been talking around things without getting specific. But that is actually purposeful. Fill in the blanks with your truth, speak it. Say it.

Be it.

