So You Say You Want A Revolution!


So I went to the Bernie Sanders rally this past weekend. It was amazing. He is amazing. And let me tell you why. First of all the ideas that Bernie Sanders had were considered radical like even four years ago. The idea of Medicare For All, or health insurance for everyone, was considered totally revolutionary. Now the American public wants it, almost all the other Democratic Presidential Nominees are for it.

Sanders introduced the idea of free public college and moving the minimum wage to $15 dollars an hour, it was considered radical as well. Now, most people want that and most Democrats agree with all of that. Bernie Sanders is a true revolutionary.

The only thing in my book that Sanders has going against him is the fact that he is an old white man. Old white men rule this country, that is true. But he is fighting for everyone regardless of race, gender or religion. He has been fighting for the average person for decades now.

He has spent his entire very long career as a Senator working for the working person. He is one who has noticed that the top 1% of the country has more money tha the bottom 99%. These statistics are outrageous and Sanders wants to change all that. And how is he going to pay for it? By making the rich pay their fair share of taxes. Amazon, the richest company in the world, paid zero taxes last year. This is appalling.

He exposed workers of Amazon that were being paid so little they were living in their cars and getting food stamps. Because of this exposure Amazon now has a minimum wage of 15 dollars an hour. Sanders only does good.

However, if he wants to win the presidency I feel like some tweaks need to be made to his campaign. First of all, it seemed to me that all the workers on his campaign were mostly 30-year-old white men. I didn’t see many women or minorities in his campaign. There was a dude who looked Indian to me but said his name was Socrates.

My Friend And I waiting on the Sidelines of the Rally!

I know that male millennials may be a huge demographic of his campaign. But if Sanders wants to get the average person to vote for him, he needs to diversify his staff. The campaign leaders were, however, very kind and generous. My friend and I had purses that were too big at first and they would not allow us in the rally. We had taken an Uber there so we didn’t have a car. One of the campaign staffers offered to keep our purses in his car. They were very nice, as I mentioned.

Eventually, security changed its mind and let us in. Sanders may also want to think about the musicians he has chosen to start the rally. They were simply doing instrumentals and after an hour or so, honestly, it became boring. I would suggest getting a band that would do cover songs that the audience is familiar with that are motivating.

They did play Tracy Chapman, which was a great choice I thought. The speakers before Sanders came on were also very excellent. Adul El-Sayed ran for governor of Michigan and he was a wonderful speaker. He was very powerful and motivating. I hope he continues with politics. There was also a woman who was of mixed race who talked about her experiences, she was great as well. It was very good that Sanders had diverse speakers, that will definitely benefit him in the general election.

Random Man Walking in Rally with Random Actor on Sweatshirt

Overall, Sanders actually cares about poverty, health, and economic inequality. These are the things that are plaguing our country today. I don’t care how old he is, I don’t care if he dies in office. I want that man to run this country because he cares what I care about.

You can call him a socialist, but socialism is not a bad word. Capitalism by itself does not work, that is clear now. Mixing in a little socialism is what most of the world’s successful countries are doing. Statistically, the happiest countries on the planet are socialist countries. And Sanders is not even talking about pure Socialism, he’s talking about Democratic Socialism.

According to Wikipedia, Democratic Socialism is defined as: Democratic socialism is a political philosophy that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production, with an emphasis on self-management and democratic management of economic institutions within a market or some form of decentralized planned socialist economy.

We as a nation, need to change. We know that. Things are not working out. Inflation is rising while wages are falling. Health care costs are out of control and prescription medicines are too expensive. Sanders is taking on big business, big pharma, big oil, and basically everyone.

I realize there are a plethora of candidates out there with their own assets, I personally like a lot of them. But Sanders has been fighting for us from the beginning.

Sander will take on the world if he becomes president of the United States!

Are you with him?

