What is Spirituality?


Photo by Valentin Salja on Unsplash

I guess the question I want to ask is, what is spirituality? What does it even mean? According to the dictionary, spirituality is: the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.

That’s a nice definition and I don’t have anything against it, but I think that spirituality is that and much more. It is also about encountering the joy and love that is our true essence. It is not just connecting with the divine, but it is connecting with the divine in ourselves.

What does the divine in ourselves really mean? It means our true nature, beauty and love, minus all the garbage. Or perhaps with all the garbage. I know there is trash in my soul, but I don’t know if that is part of my true nature or not.

I guess the question really is what is truth and what is nature?  I don’t know if I can really answer those questions but I can tell you my truth and what I think is natural to me. My truth is that I would be very unhappy and not whole if it weren’t for my spirituality.

It is not exactly about god, but it is about the god within me. I am a part of god and god is a part of me. We are also one and the same, that is my belief. I believe that in my true essence I am only love and so are you.

Photo by Ester Marie Doysabas on Unsplash

What do you do in spirituality, is it like religion? Yes and no. There are practices that you usually engage in if you want to get in touch with your soul or your spirit. But unlike religion you don't have to do anything at all. Literally. But if you do decide to do something, one of the most common things is meditation. But why do we meditate?

Because it is in the silence that we find our soul and spirit is waiting. I meditate using a mantra or a spiritual word and recite that over and over again. I use the Sikh name for god: Waheguru. The recitation helps you realize your true nature is the same as god’s.

Another spiritual practice is reading. There are so many different books and authors out there that have so much wisdom I can’t even begin to recommend spiritual books. But I will just mention two authors, Neale Donald Walsch, and Eckhart Tolle. These are just two of my favorite.

But spirituality is not just about isolated practices, it is a way of life, a way of being. Mindfulness is one of the important life lessons of spirituality. Mindfulness simply means noticing that you are alive. Noticing what is happening around you. Really living in the present moment. Not letting life pass you by.

I will say that the more spiritual I become the happier I become. I have Bipolar Disorder so depression is a very common symptom. I have tried every medication in the book, and they do help. But the thing that helped the most was my spiritual practices. Especially meditation.

I can honestly say I’m happy now because I choose to be happy. Happiness is a choice, and mindfulness helps in making that choice. It’s about not living in the past and the future but living in the present.

Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

Spirituality has taught me to slow down and enjoy the ride of life that I am on. I used to eat fast and zip through life without noticing it. Now I chew my food slowly and notice the taste. I enjoy the taste of all things in life because I’m finally aware of it.

Life is great for me now, finally, after many, many years of struggle I have found my balance. My wholeness comes from also recognizing that I am a mind, body, and soul. I try to nurture all three aspects of myself in order to feel peace.

I must mention that part of my process of contentment has to to do with accepting the times I am not happy. I still get frustrated, angry, bored, and sad. I accept these feelings with grace much more easily now and realize they too will pass.

Life is about change, that is the only guarantee that we have. I am doing these wonderful spiritual things for myself at the moment, that too could change. I could become deeply depressed again. I hope I don’t, but it could happen.

Accepting reality and the ugliness of life is part of finding happiness. I am enjoying this wonderful time in my life and if and when hard times come again, I will be ready to face them. But spirituality has given me a new insight into how to get to a peaceful state of mind.

It is not what happens to me, but how I react to it.

I will say in the end, I thank god for showing me this path.

