Heaven and Hell are States of Mind


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

I feel like I’m running out of things to say on this blog. I mean is there anything else really left to say? My parents are in their mid-seventies and have been married for almost fifty years. Sometimes they stay up until four in the morning, talking. You would think after all this time they don’t have anything left to say to each other. But they do.

I should live by that model. I hope if I ever get married that my husband and I are like my parents. I hope we don’t run out of things to say. I hope this blog becomes Niney-Something-Years in Ninaland, and I still have something to say.

I’m sure fifty years from now there will be new things to speak of. I wonder, what will we talk about then? We may in the future consider right now the good old days. I wonder what I will think of how I am now, in the future.

It is crazy to me that every day, sometimes every moment, we are thinking new thoughts. We literally have something new to say all the time. We don’t get sick of thinking. Like today, I’m thinking of how beautiful it is outside because all the leaves have come on the trees and everything is green. It’s lovely.

I know this sounds a little cheesy but the world is a beautiful place. Life is beautiful.

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

I’ve been through quite a bit of hardship in my life, but this is a good time for me. I’m just happy to be alive, to exist. I don’t think I won’t exist after death, I think I will just exist somewhere else, in a different way. I believe my true self is eternal.

So what will I have left to say fifty years from now? I hope I will say that I lived, that I was really alive. I hope I can say that I loved hard. I want to be able to say I followed my passions. I would hope that I really made some people laugh and think. And I wish for people to remember me as kind. Because after all, kindness is all there is.

I can hear birds chirping outside my window this morning. I wonder if they sing a new song every day. They will never run out of songs to sing, they will never stop chirping. I will never stop thinking, writing, talking. Even if god forbid I get to a point in my life where I can’t move my limbs, hopefully, I will never lose my ability to say what’s on my mind.

I just read a headline about a 98-year-old woman who did her first art exhibit. Good for her. It’s never too late. If there is something you want to do, you can still do it. We have nothing but time. We have nothing but this life to live. It is only our job to truly live it.

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

I’m very happy today because yesterday I got more than 1000 views on my blog in one day. I am so grateful to have this audience of people responding to my work. I am lucky that anyone cares what I have to say after all this time. I have been blogging for ten years now.

It amazes me that after all this time I still have anything at all to write about. But life is so interesting, how can we not have anything to say about it? There is so much profound beauty to discuss, let’s not forget to notice it.

Let’s really live while we are alive. Let’s not forget to sing and dance while we still can. Heaven is not a place, it’s a state of mind. Same with hell. We choose where we live, what state of mind we live in.

Sure we are destroying the environment, abortion may become illegal, and this president might start World War III. But there is still good all around us. I’m sitting here with my sister’s amazing cat and he just randomly comes up to me and purrs and wants to be loved.

All I’m doing on this page is purring and wanting to be loved.

