Random Thoughts on Monday...Repost


Monday,July 14, 2014

RandomThoughts on Monday...

Image courtesy of arztsamui/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net      

Do you trust happiness?

If you ask me I don’t.  It goes away without asking ortelling or any warning. 

I had some good laughs this weekend, however, it is Monday.  Fun is over.  I’d like to say that I’m all comedy.  But there is also some serious tragedy in this here heart of mine. 

Monday is so manic I don’t even know if you have time to read this. But apparently, you have time to read this…thank you… Monday means you have to put your thinking cap back on.  I think I lost mine.   

Things are not always as they appear.  As much as I want to laugh with you, and let you laugh even at me, in the same manner, I think it is important to make you think and even sometimes cry.  We are multidimensional beings. 

Let me ask you something, who are you when you arelaughing?  Do you think maybe you are almost like a different personthan that person who is stressed or angry or sad?

There are things that we don’t know, about ourselveseven.  Who we are in different moments.  Are we the sameperson from moment to moment?

I don’t know the answers per se to these questions.  I know I was nina five minutes ago and I’m nina now.  But I’m a little different than I was five minutes ago.  You see in these particular five minutes I changed. Yes, I’m sort of messing with you and sort of not.  We change.  The only thing that is steady about us is that we change. 

You know those moments, the moments in which we change add up to years and infinities.  Did you know that some infinities are bigger than others?  That was in the movie “Fault in our Stars” and I do think it’s an actual factoid. 

What that means is we don’t understand anything.  Andthat is OK; I don’t particularly care on most days.  Most days I’m OKnot understanding how the universe works.

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.  How manyjingles from commercials and theme songs to television shows do youremember?  Here’s a story, of a lovely lady….

Come on we don’t remember religious hymns, our times tables oreven the national anthem, but we know:  Come and knock on ourdoor… and doesn’t it bring a flood of memories?  I rememberthe shit out of Jack Tripper.  What a hoot!

I mean I can’t really watch Three’s Company now because the humor was that of a different time, but I laughed my ass off watching that show when I was young.  Our whole family would watch it together, my parents thought we didn’t understand the sexual innuendoes, and maybe we didn’t.  But maybe we did a little.  Those were the days when little things could make you laugh.  I mean Chrissie could bump into Jack the wrong way and it was a laugh a minute.

I just realized what is wrong with society today:  theinability to laugh at nothing.  Nothing was truly witty on that show,but it was hilarious. Nothing remarkable has to happen for you to realizethat there is sort of this huge cosmic joke.  I think god is kind ofa joker, I think he thinks some of what we do is just flat outcomical.  Because it is.  I think he is creating acomedy/drama.  Half of all of this has to be a joke.  Imean come on, let’s look at things really closely. 

First of all, I say “he” on purpose because I think god is probably a man, considering the state of the world.  I may have said that before but I think it is worth repeating.  This is the thing, either we are playing a joke on him or he is playing one on us.  He gave us free will and this is what we came up with?  C’mon are we serious?  War and famine and murder and rape.  We, out of our imaginations thought of this crap? No.  We are so kidding.  That is a joke.  We are playing a joke on god, we are like give us free will and we will fuck with you. 

Photo by Igor Rand on Unsplash

But it’s like one of those jokes that isn’t funny.  Abad joke if you will.

Speaking of jokes, let’s not get too deep here.

 You know what we are missing these days?  We are missing theme songs that truly signify nothing.  Seinfeld was allegedly a show about nothing.  The only thing missing was a theme song on that show. 

I mean Seinfeld could wait at a Chinese restaurant for four hours with four of his buddies and he would call it a show.  I suppose that was a different style of comedy than the slapstick Three’s Company days. They are both valid ways to make you laugh.  Nothing was gained or lost on those shows.  They didn’t have “lessons” in them. 

I would prefer if my life were a comedy as opposed to a tragedy.  Againit is probably a dramedy.  I want a theme song to mylife.  I’m in the process of picking one.  I’m thinkingSarah Mclachlan or Stevie Nicks. I’ve been afraid of changes but Ibuilt my life around you…time makes bolder, children get older, I’m gettingolder too…

Stevie wins.  What’s your favorite show?  For me, at the moment its Orange is the New Black.  Talk about some female drama, wow. 

It’s real, that’s the thing about it.  It’s even funnysometimes.  It is amazingly written and acted.  Why am Igoing on and on about a show?

Because maybe I really am on a reality show.  Maybegod, or the gods are watching.  Maybe this is their form ofentertainment.  When they get bored they turn on nina.  Ifnina gets boring they go to Joe.  Maybe the hours and hours offootage gets cut into an hour-long show.  Maybe our best moments arehighlighted.  You might think I’m kidding but I’mnot.   

What would you do differently if you were on a reality T.V.show?

Think about that, how would you conduct your life differently?  Iwould close the door when I go to the bathroom even if no one washome. That’s what I know.

But you, what would you do?  Would you dancemore?  Maybe sing a little less if you are anything likeme.  Would you be more polite?  Or would you stop beingpolite?  Would you say what is on your mind? Or would you just shutup?  Would you still be you?  Or would you turn into thispersona that was always being ‘watched’?  Could you beyou?  Are you even you now?

Would you want them to see you ugly?  They way you arewhen no one is looking.  The terrible things you say about otherpeople. 

Would you answer the door, when someone knocks.

Maybe someone is knocking.

Come and knock on our door…we’ve been waiting for you…

I want to write for a T.V. show, to upgrade television to the level I think it should be.  I’m not sure what I would want it to be about; it would have to be a dramedy. Most importantly it would have to be funny and serious, both at the same time. 

Photo by Mehrdad Haghighi on Unsplash

Just as an aside, T.V. makes me think about food.  SoI was hangry until I ate my face off.  I ate some sushi and somefrozen yogurt.  Sushi is great but it’s not a good date food Ithink.  It’s like you stuff your face with this huge thingy and chewon it like a bastard.  It’s a mess.

Frozen yogurt on the other hand, well let’s just say I had someyogurt with my toppings.  I won’t go to the store and buy candy barsanymore (I usually steal them) but I will put like crushed up candy bars allover my frozen yogurt until it’s more like a huge candy.  It’schocolate heaven. 

I saw this movie once on T.V. with Meryl Streep.  I don’t remember the name and don’t feel like googling it, but anyways she was in purgatory. Apparently, you could eat all you wanted in this place and not gain a pound. 

I mean I’m pretty sure in Paradise or whatever; there is a tonof food. And a ton of chocolate.  See I secretly believe we wantto get there so we can eat our faces off. 

And the thing is, back to television, when you do turn on thetube there are all these commercials.  It’s so out ofcontrol.  Especially the ones about food.  They blatantlytry to sell you food that will make you fat. Then they proceed to show youfootage of women so thin they need to eat the food in the commercials or theywill soon wither away.  But instead of them, I’m eating it.

In fact, T.V. might be the reason I’m overweight.  I say that because every time I want to binge it’s like night and some late night comedy show is always on.  Laughing and eating happens to be my favorite thing in life to do.

T.V. used to make me laugh like anything.  I rememberthe day we got cable, I was twelve and I watched stand-up comedy for two daysstraight all day long.  I was amazed at these people who could writesomething and say something that could really make you laugh.  I kneweven then that humor takes intelligence. 

I had left Livonia at that point and I remember when a bunch ofmy friends sent me some letters from there.  I was somoved.  But I was such a weird perfectionist even then when it cameto my own writing.  I would write my friends letters.  Iwould edit them; I would rewrite them and then never send theletters.  Isn’t that strange?

I was big on writing letters before the Internet wasbig.  If you were a guy I liked and you didn’t live in this area, Iwrote you a letter.  Plain and simple.  And I worked onthose letters like they were works of art. 

What is art?  Is television really art?  Ithink it can be when done right. It’s usually done wrong.  Butwhat do I know, I only know about writing, when I see that a show is writtenwell I am impressed.  The Wonder Years, now that was ashow.  It was written so well.  I would love to somedaywrite about my wonder years in the eighties and nineties. That would beinteresting I think.

My first love was in Kindergarten.  I even rememberhis name; I don’t want to put it out here because he actuallyexists.  Anyways, he kissed every girl in the class except forme.  He said he couldn’t do it.  I don’t know if I wasn’tcool enough or if it was because I was the only minority, the one Indian girlin my class.  I would have thought that Kindergarten was too early tohave discrimination in your brain.  I don’t know.  Maybe itwas because I was a weird kid who didn’t fit into Kindergarten.  I waskind of a loner in those days.  I was a little sad too andquiet. 

But I did things like I think I invented the cell phone.  I wanted to watch T.V. on a little device during naptime in kindergarten because I could never sleep.  I wanted to watch Scooby Doo on a little handheld T.V.  I invented the whole idea of the cell phone when I was five.  And I thought I was not technologically aware. 

Well, it’s a good thing for me I found my voice.  I hope since Kindergarten you have found yours.  

