Miss American Pie


Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

Blue jeans on the waist with a Diet Coke in hand

She drives down to the plaza waiting for Target to open

She’s not tall enough or naturally blond enough 

And only wears a bikini when it rains

She has a dog and she knows how to ride a horse

Once upon a time, she thought she would have a baby

Now she’s thinking of freezing her eggs before she turns forty

She has a boyfriend but he watches too much porn

She’s in her leased red SUV sipping 

Between a Starbucks Mocha and a Diet Coke

She started dying her hair recently because she’s getting greys

She was thinking of trying a box of Revlon hair dye with a burgundy hue

She was also thinking of buying a Betty Crocker cake mix 

Even though she is on a diet and belongs to Weight Watchers

But chocolate sounds good right about now

And so does a sale, Target is having a sale 

She used to sleep in but she can barely sleep at all anymore

She was thinking of buying some over the counter sleeping pills

But she is worried because she has tried to kill herself once before

She was a lot younger then, but she is worried 

The feelings are starting to come back, slowly

Photo by Spencer Davis on Unsplash

She is just bored, not interested in anything anymore

Even shopping doesn’t give her that thrill it once did

She doesn’t like her marketing job, but she doesn’t hate it enough to leave

She was thinking of buying a pink sundress she saw in an add was on sale

But she’ll have to buy that fake tanning spray because her legs are too white

She looks in the rearview mirror at her eyes, they seem to have circles under them

She used to think she was a little pretty, maybe better looking than average

But recently she’s stopped caring as much, she doesn’t always wash her face at night

She sleeps with her makeup on and doesn’t brush her teeth before bed

Sometimes she leaves the house without brushing her hair

She’s tried yoga, but it was never as amazing as everyone said it is supposed to be

She’s not overweight but she’s not skinny either

She turns on the radio and they are talking about politics

She changes the station until a song from the nineties comes on

She remembers she was happy in the nineties but can’t remember why

The doors open at Target, her favorite store, but she doesn’t get out of the car

Photo by Ali Pazani on Unsplash

She thinks maybe she will sit in this car until she figures out how she ended up here

In the suburbs, living with a man she barely likes, in a job she barely knows how to do

She takes out her phone and flips through Instagram

Her neighbor posted another picture in Hawaii with her kids

Why doesn’t she go anywhere? Why doesn’t she have any kids?

She thought about not taking her birth control pill this morning

But the thought of having a kid right now doesn’t make sense

She remembers that abortion she had at eighteen, her boyfriend then paid for it

She doesn't think it was a mistake but isn’t sure if everything she’s ever done is a mistake

She cannot get out of the car, she physically can’t do another thing that means nothing

She doesn’t know why she got up this morning and can’t think of anything to look forward to

This is it, she thinks, this is my life. I don’t have anywhere else to go but this parking lot

She remembers her parent’s divorce and how she used to think that was the worst thing that could happen in life

Now she knows that everything gets worse, and all of a sudden nothing matters

She watches an old couple holding hands and walking very slowly to the store

She wonders what the point of getting old is if she’ll just be back at this parking lot

She starts the car, opens the windows, and turns up the radio

She will drive, she will drive until it all stops hurting so much

