Our Stories

We all have stories, we all have something to say. I don't happen to think that my story is more important or more real than yours. I just that it is what I know. I'm looking out the window today at the snow. I'm looking at the white covered ground and the traces on tree branches.Why don't I live in a tropical place, an island or something? It's gray here, it's getting old, I'm getting old.I wish there were more light in the winter sky. I wish there were more light in me. It makes me feel heavy. Like I'm dragging through this life. I want to dance through life. There is a music in the air, always a music in the air. When we move, whether it is to walk or talk, this is our dance. My fingers dance on this keyboard.I want to say something new, be something new. I want to be the difference between you and other people. I don't even know who I am. I don't understand most things. But I know this, I know there is very little to understand that I cannot understand. I know not what I don't know.I'm not sure what I'm saying, but I'm letting myself say. Say say say. I need this, this talk. This talk with my self or this talk with you. This one-way conversation. I ask my students, how does your paper contribute to the larger conversation about his topic. The conversation the world is having?Some of them don't know what I'm talking about, some do.  
