What to do now?

These new healthcare bills affect people. Real people. People like me. If the Republicans have their way I may lose my health insurance. I am not a rich lady, contrary to popular belief. If I can't afford health insurance, my Bipolar Disorder will not be controlled. I will go crazy. It's only a matter of time before me, unmedicated can live in this world normally.I don't agree with people who may think that this health insurance issue is some kind of theoretical problem. This is not about being a Republican or being a Democrat. It's about voting for human rights. Not giving health care to people at an affordable price is a human rights violation, I believe.There is so much at stake here. For me what's at stake is my sanity, and in the end, maybe my life. But there are those with even more threatening illnesses who will flat out die if their health insurance is revoked or made more expensive. You can look at a famous face like John McCain or a less famous face, like man. This is the face of healthcare, take it away from us and our diseases could kill us.I thank god that the bill to repeal Obamacare did not go through. I hope that no one has to die, so that someone is proved right while someone else is proved wrong. This is not a game. People on the television talk as if it is some kind of Republican Roulette. To add to that they are also playing Russian Roulette. Or perhaps the Russians are playing with us, this deadly game.The president can try to pull all kinds of antics in order to try to distract us from the obvious, he is in trouble. Whether he bans Muslims or Transgender people, we will oppose those bans while still remembering what is going on behind the curtain.
