Voting Rights

I won’t wait at a line at the pharmacy at CVS for medicine I direly need that I could literally die without. I have skipped a day of a pill because of a line before. I won’t wait in line at my favorite restaurant and I love food. Why would I wait in line to vote? I live in a wealthy area, they make it easy for the wealthy to vote. I heard people in Detroit waited for four hours to vote for Obama. Why would they do that again? For what? All this bullshit?You should be able to vote at home on a computer. They have thumbprints and retinal scans, and they can’t invent a legitimate way for people to be ID’d to vote on the Internet? C’mon people. We must not want to make it easy? Why would that be? Hmmm, I wonder...The more people that vote, the more Democrats will come out. A higher percentage of the United States is Democratic.You may say that computers and the Internet can be hacked. Well, I would say that so can voting machines and they probably were hacked by the Russians. They have done experiments and twelve-year-old kids are able to hack a voting machine. So what to do we do? How do we ensure that we have fair elections?I don't know. I'm just here to complain. Let's leave that to the experts. All I have to say to the 'experts' is that you better find a way to stop hacking by the Russians. I feel like we are in Russia where the voting is all rigged and the leader becomes powerful through money.A higher percentage of poor people are marginalized and live in places where there are less voting facilities. A lot of people who are economically disadvantaged cannot take a day off from work to vote. They are also often Democrats. There are a lot of people who do not have driver's licenses. When I lived in New York I did not use my driver's license even once, I didn't have a car or ever drive a car. There are many people who don't have cars, don't need cars and don't have driver's licenses.Three million people do not have a photo ID. They have been using signature matches for eons in the voting system. But after Obama's victory, the Republicans noted that most people without ID are people of color. Again they will not vote Republican so why not stop them from voting altogether?If you don't need a driver's license to live in a city, why do you need one to vote? You have a name and a social security number. That should be enough. Perhaps even a picture ID from somewhere else to add to that. The Supreme Court just made an epic decision, with Brett Kavanaugh as the new justice, to allow voter suppression.I realize in America voting suppression is not as bad as it is in other countries. But that does not justify how bad it is. And why only one day to vote? Why not like a week or something. What if I have a cold that day and can't get out of bed? Or more importantly what if I have a life and can't get to the polls on that very day.If it is going to be one day, shouldn't it be Saturday? A lot of people don't work on Saturday. I know it's in the constitution that it should be on a Tuesday and all, but it also used to say in there that black people were three-fifths of a person. The founders of our country just randomly chose a day to vote for whatever reason. Let's change that.In some places around the country early voting has been banned. This again affects the working person more than anyone else. They are not able to juggle voting with work and childcare etc. Why do you need a reason to get an absentee ballot? Why shouldn't everyone be able to vote by mail, if not by the Internet?In some conservative states, they have closed down polling centers in areas where there are people of color. Hmmm...I wonder why? Could it be that the majority of minorities are liberal? It has been established that voter fraud is not really a problem, but voter suppression is.In some states, felons are not allowed to vote. This again is race-based voter suppression. The majority of felons are minorities because of many reasons, many of them being the racist justice system. If someone has committed a felony in the past, they should be allowed to vote in the present.And why can't we vote for Supreme Court Justices? Are they somehow above the people that they needed special privileges?The moral of this story is that I should be able to vote on a Saturday with my pajamas on in my own home on my computer. If I don't have a computer, one should be provided for me by the state. Waiting in line to vote is for the birds. The only thing worth waiting in line for is a T.V. on Black Friday at Best Buy that's 50% off. I mean even then, I personally would not even wait in that line.  
