What is GOING on?

I’ve been on and off and on and off and on and off again on my b log!!!! WHAT IN THE hell is goin on?

YES i was in the hospital again, this time for a manic episode. Before you dismiss me as crazy I would like to remind you that I have a Master’s in Fine Arts in Writing from Columbia University in New York, in the United States. I finished my thesis entitled THE SIKH PATIENT in 2005 under the direction of many brilliant professors and students. It is a novel about a girl who think god may be talking to her.

Let me make this short and sweet. GOD is talking to me. And guess what? God is neither male nor female. WHAT a shocker? Sometimes I hear a male voice, sometimes I hear a female voice. These are just voices in my head. I have Manic Depression or Bipolar Disorider. SO basically I;m crazy, Sometimes I hear a black voice, a brown voice, sometimes I hear a white voice, sometimes I literally hear a british voice or an australian one. It is a lot of fun, actually hearing god. Contrary to popular beleifl GOD is fun! A lot of fun. In fact he invented fun. Who do you think invented fun? Personally I thought it was Robin Willianms…But I digress…

You are hearing what it is like to be crazy. Many of my fellow brothers and sisters with Manic Depression hear god’s voice. wE. ARE UJSUAALLY LOCKED UP FOR SPEAKING OUR TRUTH.

And that is as it should be. Because god does not make itself known to godself through outward expression—-Conversations WITH god—-Neale Donald Waslsch.

RObin Williams had manic depression or bipolar disorder as it is now called. He was the funnest of them all wasn’t he? Definately the funniest of them all. BUt let me tell uo0u a secret. GOD is the funniest being there is. That’s why I was almost arrested for laughing too loud in my apartment building lobby in New York when I was attending Columbia University.

That is all I have to say today. Except of course I’m not done. He/She/ It/They are not just talking to me, they are talking to you too, You may be listening, as most of you are, or you may be ignoring him/her/they because you are scared of what you are hearing. If you are hearing voices telling you to kill yourself, become violent or kill others that is not god. THOSE ARE YOUR DEMONS TALKING. How do you know when it is god?

When it is your highest thought and clearest truth according to CWG by Neale. Donald. Walsch.

Now America go sleep on that and India you can wake up to it.

Good night.


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