What is MADNESS?


Madness is going to fast or too slow.

Madness is Amerrica.

Madness is driving in the fast lane in a snow storm.

Madness is a gun.

Madness is pulling the trigger without thinking.

Madness is going to the grocery store without thinking.

Madness is the united states of america.

Madness is a police officer beating a man in India for no reason,

Madness is a police officer beating a woman in America for no reason…

Madness is my friend dying in a random school shooting…

Madness is a person I know dying in NYC on 911 when I was 5 miles away.

Madness is the person who told me to go to the world trade center a year before and write at the top of it to see the view.

Madness is the name of the book I was trying to find for class that day at Columbia University, on September 11th 2001

Madness is my face somedays.

Madness is…Madness


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