Water Yourself





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So let's say I was doing an experiment. Let's pretend for a moment I wanted to see what would happen if I didn't water my plants for six months. The picture above illustrates what happened. A couple died, a couple lived.This one above died a sorry death. I bring these pictures to light because I think this happens to people's souls when they don't nourish themselves spiritually.I want to be like this plant, look how beautiful it is despite the fact that it got no water for six months! It lived with its own reserves.So the real question is, why didn't I water these plants, even once, in six months. I literally watched some stay healthy while others withered away. I was god, or more precisely I was goddess to these plants, and I failed them.I will show you another beauty that survived!I may have trimmed off the dead parts, but we all need to do a little grooming every now and them. This one survived as well. I particularly love this plant, and yes it had some dead leaves too. However, it may not be as lush, but it is not less beautiful. When we have a fall, or get older, it can change the way we look. But we are no loss beautiful. I unfortunately I decided to write this piece after I threw out the other two burnt little plants. They were small but they were pretty. At the end of thier life, they looked like they were involved in a bad fire. My fire. I was too busy being passionate about other things, so I forgot about the plants. But I didn't forget, that's the thing. I remembered and didn't act. Is that worse? What does that say about me, I think it means I'm careless and not responsible. Would I feed a kid? I'm worried.I'm so impressed with those that stayed alive. They are survivors, like me. I appreciate them more now and made a vow to water them every week. oh me oh my, what of the vows I shall keep...I don't know that was my Shakespeare moment.
