Girl Put Your Records On

Tell me your favorite song...oh go ahead let your hair down. I'm just a girl with messy hair and a pocket full of poems I can't read out loud.  No one is listening to the words I don't say. No one can hear what I don't scream. I'm a melancholy mash up of you and you and you and a crowd of yous. How many of you are there anyways? How would I count? Which one of you reminds me of me? Which one of you can I never be?I'm telling you there are moments in my life where I have fallen so hard the cement got hurt. I was worried about the architect of my nightmares until I realized the woman in the mirror made the mirror. Did I say too much?Where am I in all of this? Don't ask the wrong the people who you are. They are likely to deny your face even though they can see it. do you recognize my face, in your face? I'm dying, did you know that? I'm dying of life. So are you.Let's do origami, let's vogue. Let's dance with people we don't know and let's sing songs we don't like. I hate that song that comes in my head from time to time. Hee Haw, like a bad tv show, a bad song can kill your vibe. Remember your records?Dolly Parton, your father liked country. Kenny G had a SPrite the other day. WHo the fuck drinks Sprite? and I made that up. and you believed me. you don't know me.cause these boots are made for walking...iand i will always love you, even when you killed yourself in a bathtub with some concoction of died like the rest of them, they are all dying. in the sixties it was JFK and MLK. Now it's Prince and Robin Williams. Our heroes are artists now. Our salvation is not and will never be in politics. It will always be in a movie or song.all we are saying, is give peace a chance...ninaP.S. I have no idea how many Copywrite laws i just violated. or how m any grammar rools i broke.