We The People

Today, it has been found out that an anonymous human in the Trump administration is actually human and is trying to thwart Trump from ruining everything. This is good news.OK, I'll admit it. Politics are very depressing and disturbing lately in this particular climate. I am a person but are we really the people, I want to ask? What people are we when we are letting a monster break the law in front of our faces, and we are unable to bring him down?There comes a time when we should talk about the thing. You know that thing. The elephant in the room. The fact that Donald Trump is president. Most of us don't actually want to talk about it anymore. We don't want to think about it. And why should we give him that real estate in our minds? He wants that and doesn't deserve that. But this is not about him, it's about us.This next election in November is when we can start to take back this country.My mother has told me time and again not say things against Trump out loud, because she said you never know what he's capable of doing to anyone. She would probably be appalled if she knew I was putting my feelings into writing.Where my mom comes from, in countries like India and Russia I think you can actually get in trouble with the law if you say something against people in power. I'd like to think that is not true in the U.S. But things are changing. If we don't do something drastic soon, all this and more could become truth. The truth could literally become not the truth.I don't want to talk about hate. I mean what is the point of stating the obvious. Trump is intolerable. What I'd really like to discuss is how we can get him out of office.There is only one way. You, have to vote. Yeah, I'm talking to you. I'm not saying that the entire election might not be rigged and the Russians could hack the hell out of our country, but we still have to try. I know Trump's not up for re-election but if we get enough Democrats to win across the board he could be put out of office. The good guys could win. Sanity could ensue.I'm aware that I have a large international audience. So let me just say this: whoever is in power that you don't approve of, the only way to stop them is to vote them out. You may say the voting is all rigged and hacked and set up, but still just try. Do it for the team. The good team.I like to think I'm on the team with the good people. But even if all liberals are not good, they are at least not destroying the very fabric of this country. I'm not trying to imply that conservatives are bad people, I like some of them. John McCain was a great guy. In fact, a lot of Republicans look really good to me since Trump arrived on the scene. Compared to him, anyone basically looks amazing. He has set the bar that low.Sure, if the Vice President become president, it's not a good thing. However, it can't get much worse than this. I fear Trump will start an economic crisis and a war if given enough time and latitude and he has only begun to destroy the environment. Not to mention the fact that he would like to appoint a Supreme Court Justice that could undue centuries worth of women's rights. If abortion becomes illegal I predict there will be a riot so huge that it will have to be overturned.I have friends who are politically active. I am so in awe of them and have such a deep respect for them. Some of them have asked me to participate in political stuff. I guess my writing is my way of participating in politics. I don't know if it's very effective but it's my way.I know it's annoying and a hassle to vote and you may be like, my vote doesn't make a difference, it's just one. But if everyone thought it made a difference it would. You are everyone.I'm stating the obvious again, I'm not saying anything you haven't heard before. I just cannot emphasize it enough.Just vote. Just do it. That's about the beginning and the end of what I have to say about it. Nike just did an ad with Colin Kaepernick, it says, "Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything." The ad was a direct assault on Trump. I know whoever you are you believe in something or the other. I'm not asking you to sacrifice anything for that. I'm just asking you to stand in line for a few and fill out a ballot.I believe so much in voting that I want Republicans to vote, for Republicans. I just want the people to speak. Voting is our only voice.The President of the United States thinks he is a genius. Einstein didn't even think he was a genius. Don't let Trump get away with ruining the country and quite possibly the world. Vote. Do it for all of us. We are in this together.nina

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