Meditation Too: Two

Do you ever wonder what the meaning of meaning is? Why do we think something inherently has meaning when in fact nothing means a thing until and unless we attach meaning to it? What does life mean? I guess the real question is what does your life mean? Everyone's meaning is different.What's your story? How do you add a theme to it? Remember 'theme'? That thing that the whole story is really about? I want my theme to be two-fold. Love and happiness. I know, I know, that's so cheesy!I just want to love people and laugh with them. Even if they laugh at me. As long as they love me.What's your thing? What do you want out of this life? I say this life because I believe in reincarnation. If you don't, you better get something out of life, cause you've only got one!I've been meditating deeper lately. I've been properly doing sitting meditation and chanting mantras. Taking deep breaths. Sitting meditation is hard to do, you have to close your eyes and like go somewhere deep. That's why it's good, cause it's not easy.There are many other forms of meditation, you can meditate while washing dishes, walking, gardening etc. When I have a good session, I usually feel either peace or joy.You don't have to do meditation to be happy and loving. You don't have to do anything. That's the whole point. The story of Buddha goes something like this. He was a very rich prince and his family never let him see the world. When he finally did see it, he was shocked at the poverty and desperation he saw. So he decided to try to find enlightenment. He followed yogis and gurus. He disciplined his body and his mind. He did all kinds of meditation and yoga, but he could not get to where he wanted to go.So finally he just said, "I'm going to sit under this Bodhi Tree until I'm enlightened."And then all of a sudden it came to him. You don't have to do anything to be enlightened. All you have to do is think and say you are enlightened. Although there is a saying that if you see the Buddha on the street, run the other way. What that means is that if someone tells you they know the way and that if you follow them you will find the way, they are probably phony.The way knows itself.So what is this 'nothing' that you have to do that feels like 'something.'?It's a peace you find when you stop looking to find anything.The search is over. Stop searching. You are there.You are enlightened, you just don't know it. "I am god, the only difference between you and me is that I know it"-- Sai Baba.What would it feel like if we actually felt as though we were one with god? What would it feel like if we felt as though we were one with each other and everything in the universe? We are all made of the same stuff as each other and the stars.I think it might feel amazing. I think we just might be amazing and we just don't know it.There are those, including Socrates, who have said that we know everything, we just don't remember. Our soul knows everything. I guess if my soul is such an Einstien than I can't be that dumb after all. We all question our own intelligence when it comes to matters of the soul.What do we really know about life and god and ourselves? We know we exist. Or do we? How do we know we exist? What does it mean to exist? It kind of sounds like a stupid question until you really think of the possibility that we are characters in someone's dream. We kind of are. We are characters in what we call god's dream. I mean he kind of dreamt us up.But does that challenge the reality that we are? In truth, I think that our being as we know it, mind, body, and soul, is not what it appears to be. I think we are more soul than we know. I think the world as we see it is not what it appears to be. I think this is a temporary place. Where is the real place? It's not that this is not 'real' I think that's just not all there is.What else is there? I have no idea. I don't know what it's like anywhere else, because I haven't been anywhere else in my memory. But I have this strong feeling that there is a dimension or something where there is love and peace only.Maybe we would get bored in that place, you say. Maybe that's why we came down here, I say. Maybe we needed a little spice to appreciate something nice. But that is all hearsay, let's focus on here and now. What am I going to do now to make the most out of my life?I want to sing, in the night, or in the car, or in the shower. I want to sing my heart out. I want to laugh, laugh like I've never laughed before, with friends, with family. I want to create art, through my writing, maybe I'll cook or paint too. Mostly though I just want to be kind. Really love the people I love. Be real. That's what reality is really about.nina
