Nike Just Did It

I have to say I'm very proud of Nike for taking a stand for what I consider to be right. I know many people may disagree with this. But why the flames and fire? Can we just peacefully agree to disagree about kneeling during the national anthem? It's a peaceful protest so let's peacefully argue about it.Setting fire to Nike gear is not peaceful. It's wasteful and stupid. Now Ford is in on it and is supporting the movement. Are people going to burn cars now? As Trevor Noah put it, "People are burning Nike shoes they already bought. They do know that Nike already has their money, right?"Nike is asking us in their new ad: Are your dreams crazy enough? You can watch the commercial here: ad is about so much. Women, disability, race. It's about everything that makes people unique. It's about winning. You don't have to win to win. You just have to play the game. We should all play. Anyone of us can win. Even you. Even me.What does winning really mean? It means being the best you, you can be. I want to win the Noble Prize in Literature before I die. I need to get a book published before I die though. Some people may say I'm late, I'm too old. Screw them. I'm not old enough, or dead enough to be famous. I want to be a legend. I'm serious. I want people to remember my name.That's a dream.I'll make it happen.On another rather ironic note, Nike slyly created an ad that plays around with the notion that people are burning their gear:So who is going to win this race? I don't know but I'm betting on Nike, they know how to make people run. I read a tweet that said something like this: "Nike is banking on its customers for the next 30 years, not the past 30 years. They are predicting that people will understand that protesting institutionalized racism is different than protesting the flag."I went to dinner the other night with some good friends and we argued about this issue. It became slightly personal, we were judging each other's morals. We had to stop arguing because it was getting too hot.I don't think we need to get this personal when we are talking about these issues. It sounds as if people think this issue is on fire and is worth starting a fire for. You have the right to burn things, and people have the right to kneel during the national anthem. Period.Athletes who kneel are trying to bring attention to an issue, a huge issue, race inequality in this country. They are not trying to offend anyone, in fact, they are offended. Offended that statistically far more African Americans are brutally attacked and even killed by the police than Caucasians are.I'm not black, but I am brown. The police are also more violent towards any person of color. My Sikh brothers wear turbans. There is so much hate and misunderstanding surrounding turbans. This hits home. I'm actually terrified of the police. I don't think they would necessarily hurt me, I'm just a nice girl. But when I see the videos of gratuitous violence initiated by cops I am appalled.This is not just about the police force though, this is about a day in the life of a person of color in the United States. People think I'm Hispanic or Arabic. Both of those nationalities carry a heavy burden of prejudice against them. People want immigrants and Muslims to go home. But what if this is the only home they have ever known?Yes, it's true that America is getting browner. It is true that whites will not be the majority in a few years. These facts bother a lot of people. I'm bothered that they are bothered. People are going to look more mixed race, and be more mixed in their ethnic heritage. How is that a bad thing?That's what America really is.We are a bunch of wanderers from a bunch of places who settled here for the good life.Let us have it, for god's sake.There is so much about America that is so beautiful. Don't get me wrong, I fully realize we are flawed. But let's not set fire to our common ground. We all love this country, whether we believe in the movement Kaepernick is involved with or not. I'm not less of a patriot than anyone else. I'm no less of an American than anyone else even though I have a darker complexion.So please don't ask me where I'm really from. I'm in the same place you are. I was born here. I will die here.While fighting for the greatest prize in Writing. I would die for that.Call me crazy.What's your dream? This is America. In America, everybody got a dream.I'm just gonna leave this here: nina