The Never-Ending Conversation

Let's talk, just you and me. Let's have a conversation over coffee.I wonder what is worth writing about, what is worth saying, what is worth thinking. Is there really anything left to think? Maybe soon, all the good thoughts will already have been thunk. Maybe there won't be any new thoughts left. It kind of seems like that with the Internet and all. Everyone, including me, is sharing their thoughts all over the place. No one seems to be hiding many thoughts.Could I even tell you something that you haven't heard yet? Do I have something new to say? After hundreds of blog posts and conversations in life, and arguments and jokes, is there really any more bullshit out there to comment on?Yes, in fact, apparently it's never-ending. The creation of jargon, talk, gossip, news, editorials, opinions, and arguments. We can literally make up new combinations of words for eons, light years, until infinity. That happens to be a long time, in case you weren't counting.Do you think people will just one day run out of things to say to each other? That all of a sudden people will just look at each other and stare. I'm so tired. Tired of talking. Tired of saying nothing with all these words. It's late, I should sleep, there are no words involved in sleeping. You get to stop talking at night.I'm drained. I don't think I'm the only one.I'm not young anymore. I think maybe all the stories have already been written. You can still create a sentence, a combination of words or symbols for thoughts, that is totally unique. Like: The fat flamingo ate the flag. But what does any of it mean anyways?I mean I'm good tired. I contributed to this ongoing world conversation. Not that anyone really knows that. Who are you, the one reading? Ask yourself what you are reading and why? Is it because you have nothing of your own to say that you keep reading other people's banter?Maybe you have something to say and you just haven't said it yet. Say it, goddamn it. There is little time. Trump could destroy the world in one term. Have you ever really had an original thought? A thought that wasn't a product of other people's thoughts. A thought completely your own. How would you even know?Let's make an unwritten contract with one another. Let's promise to listen, to say what's real.Conversation and writing can be very similar, in fact, I used to say that if you can talk you can write. I still kind of think that is true. The command of words is an interesting art. It used to be that people drew paintings on cave walls in order to record their thoughts. Now we do it on Facebook walls.In all honesty, I'm naive and still believe in the innocent newness of original thoughts. I think you and I can think of something that no one else has ever thought of since the beginning of time. I'm thinking original thoughts as we speak, so are you. I like to play around with ideas, like the idea that you can't have a real original thought. But that is a thought. An original idea.It's cool to create something. Even a sentence. It's fun. I love it.Everyone should try writing for fun, I mean if you can talk you can do it. It doesn't matter if it is in standard English. Who made those standards anyways, a bunch of old white British men who are dead now? I always think it's funny that I'm using a language that originated in England. I am also offended that everyone around the globe is forced to learn a language that is so strange, that has no rhyme or reason, no rhythm and not really any true cadence. Not to say that English is a bad language, but there are other languages that are so sing-songy. Like Hindi or Spanish.Also, I'm not a big fan of the fact that my primary language came from a country that oppressed much of the world, for a very long time. I'm not mad at Britain anymore, they are pretty much a non-threat at the moment. But the history of how and why English became the primary language is kind of disturbing.My dad always tells me I should create a new language that is computer based that makes sense, unlike the grammatical non-sensical English. It seems like too big of an endeavor, and for what? I have no intention of ruling the world's languages with my own.But it might make sense to have an international convention and discuss which language makes the most sense and make that the international language that every person in every country should learn. That language is currently English, but as stated above, not the most systematic language out there. Spelling does not make sense in English and don't get me started on grammar.I have taught English now to a few foreigners, and they will periodically ask me why something is the way it is. I have no good answer except that it is that way, and they have to learn it.So where was I? My original thought for this particular piece was that originality may become outdated. It was sort of a thought experiment. I don't actually believe thoughts will become saturated to the point that we can't have new ones. I think in actuality that it will never happen.I feel like I sound like an idiot when I say that life is beautiful and the only way we know how to express that is through language and art. We are all creators, creators of the art of language. Your talk is something that may have never been said before. What you say is powerful. It matters. You matter.If we were allegedly made in the image of god, then we are all creators of our own worlds. Small creators connected to all of creation and the creator. The beauty of creation is that it can forevermore be unique and original. I've created this piece of writing, and I think no one has ever written these exact words in this exact order, ever before. Isn't that cool?You have never in your life read this before and you will never read it again from someone else. You are experiencing an invitation into my creation. How do you like it here? Do you want to help me create this? Respond to it, write a comment or something. Or just think about it, really think about it. Talk to someone else about it. Write about it.Did you ever think that it is possible that you and I are no different, that even though we are unique separate individuals, we are also the same entity broken in parts? That we are all small little parts of god. That we could in a sense merge together and become one entity if we chose to do so?Is it possible that you wrote this?I know that's very difficult to conceptualize. You did not sit here with me, on the back deck outside, in the morning sun, and write this with me. But maybe a part of you is a part of me. Could it be possible that I came to remind you of what you already know? Maybe we are playing a game and pretending like we are so different, when in fact we are made of the same substance, and our soul is part of the same oversoul.Is this too much of a stretch? That you actually wrote this?I realize it's a strange thought, that requires a weird angle to look at yourself in. But maybe you didn't come here by accident. Maybe there is a reason you came to this page.I don't believe in accidents. We are connecting at this very moment, you and I, because it's important for us to do so. Perhaps we were meant to do so, maybe we planned on meeting like this. Maybe you know me better than I know myself. Maybe I know you.Maybe we are not that different after all.What a thought. What a concept.The truth is something that is difficult to get a handle on. This may not sound like your truth, all this blabber on this blog. Or maybe it does resonate with you.Who are you?Who am I?Have we met before? Have we done this dance before? Does it sound familiar to you? As if you have known me forever?Just some thoughts to ponder on.This is not the end of this conversation...nina 

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