Notice Life

Look at your face in the mirror. I mean really look at it. What do you see? Look into your own eyes, I mean focus, really look deep inside of them. What do you see? Do you see yourself? Do you know yourself? This is a way to really see yourself. Try it some time.If you really stop to look at things, you might notice the depth in ordinary things. Life is ordinary for the most part. Inanimate objects are actually alive in a way. There are electrons and protons inside atoms that are moving, they are vibrating. Everything is vibrating. Nothing is actually still.Things like your sofa, look like they are completely still and don't have the ability to move. However, there is a party going on inside of them, all the internal pieces in the atoms are moving around.In your own body, cells are moving around as well, even when you are perfectly still.Why does this matter? It matters because we look at things as if they are irrelevant to us, that they are just things in the room. However, the room has a vibration and so do the things. It's the vibe we get when we walk into a room.'Good vibes' is not just a saying, it's stating the truth. I can't really explain why, but if you concentrate and focus on something, you feel their vibration in a stronger way. You understand their movement, the feeling they give off. I know it sounds kind of weird to just stare at things, but try it sometime. You truly become enamored by the beauty of the simplest things.Like a drop of water on your hands while you wash them. The drop is so ordinary yet so profound. Water itself is interesting. It's kind of like staring into a fire, but you don't need to have a fire to feel that passion for something. Everything is on fire, in a way.We are on fire. We are so fascinating. Our bodies are a miracle, all of the inner parts somehow manage to work together on a daily basis. All these parts are moving, our heart is beating etc. Our minds are more powerful than the most elaborate computers. I don't know how I am able to think or breathe. I don't know how I know things or feel things, I just do. The mind and body are good like that. They just do the work while we use them, and sometimes abuse them.However, what we put into our minds can have a huge effect on us. Have you ever looked deeply at a painting and felt like you were inside of it? There is a sweet sensation art evokes when we pay attention to it. The same is true of everyday objects and if we pay attention to our lives, we will live them in a different way. It changes everything.When you ask those who have almost died of cancer and survived, a lot of them will say things like, "I will never again not notice the flowers.' The flowers. Beauty can affect you in ways we are not even fully aware of. Especially natural beauty.Have you ever looked at another person and felt like you were inside of them? Like you were a part of them? Have you looked into the eyes of a loved one and felt an electricity? That is because there is a connection, like an electric connection, happening to both of you.There are many meditations where all you have do is stare at stuff. Like for ten seconds, stare at a tree. Or maybe for five minutes, depending on how much time you have or want to have.Do we even notice ourselves? Do we really know where we are? Can we really see it, be it, feel it?I'm here, sitting on my couch. Listening to the Lumineers, staring at my computer, wondering if this makes any sense.Now I'm staring at a treadmill. You'd think that would inspire me to get on it and run. Not so. In fact, it makes me glad I'm not on it. But I can see it's black surface, so quiet. Our attachment to things is not unnatural or materialistic. Things are very real. In fact, loving things might be better than loving people because things can't talk you out of it.Do you ever feel a unique vibration when you go into a certain place, like say a church or temple, or even a library? Could it be that the vibrations in that room have been affected by all the feelings and thoughts of the inhabitants, like say for example in a temple, there has been a lot of praying and meditating. In a library, there has been so much intellectual thought and reading.Maybe we are not just labeling particular places as 'sacred' for no reason. Perhaps the air and objects in that space have taken on a certain vibration that is special. It's kind of like when you think a certain way, your body changes. If you give your body positive thoughts, it is said that you can change its actual condition and appearance. I believe this.I also believe that you don't have to believe this. Any of this.Maybe this sounds like new-age bullshit to you. That's OK, maybe it's not for you.But if this does resonate with, take a moment to notice particular things around you. Then look at the entire picture, how does it all feel together? Notice life.nina

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