Antisemitism On The Rise In Trumpland

I'm not usually an alarmist. I like to take things in stride and look for the silver lining. I think there is usually a positive side to almost anything. But not this.The antisemitic shooting that occurred in Pittsburgh this weekend to Jewish members of a Synagog are reprehensible, appalling and a sign that things are getting really bad. I mean I knew that things were pretty atrocious, but now they are getting intolerably horrific.I don't usually like to play the blame game, but I'm going to go ahead and play the blame game. Trump's hateful rhetoric is a huge factor in these hate crimes. And before the attack in Pittsburgh, he said the absolutely unthinkable: he is blaming Jews for the attacks on themselves.According to Haaretz, an Israeli newspaper, "U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday indicated for the second time that he believes it is possible that the current wave of anti-Semitic incidents could be 'false flags' – perpetrated by the left or by Jews themselves in order to make his administration and supporters look bad." David Duke made a similar statement.For me, this is a new low, even for Trump. It is unbelievable to me that he could actually even dare to think or say that Jews themselves are creating hate crimes against Jews in order to make him look bad. How narcissistic is that anyways? Does he ever even consider that something may not be about him?I am a Sikh, a minority religion in India. Sikhs particularly empathize with Jews because Sikhs have been called the Jews of India. We are also a small minority in India that has made a big impact by becoming successful. There is also a lot of hate and a history of violence targetted towards Sikhs in India.Sikhs are in solidarity with Jews because we get it. We understand what it's like to be persecuted for our religious beliefs. In 1984 there were insane riots against Sikhs in India after a Sikh killed the Prime Minister Indra Gandhi. This violence was perpetrated by the government. That was our Holocaust.I am still in shock that in this world and in this country there are those who believe that the Holocaust never happened. By stating that Jews are creating violence against themselves, Trump is helping to perpetuate this myth. Maybe he is right, this is about him. This is because of him. His unacceptable language helped to create a sick, violent, mass shooter. And many more hateful followers.There were people who died in the shooting this weekend who survived the Holocaust. They lived through one of the greatest tragedies of our time but they could not live through Trump's America. Think about that for a moment.I'm not sure how to channel my anger about this. Perhaps you share these sentiments. On the one hand, I'm truly saddened and my heart hurts. On the other hand, I'm enraged at this administration and this leader.I want to cry, I want to punch someone. I know I'm not alone in thinking that this is crazy, this is wrong, this cannot go on. I know that many have been mobilized to out this administration for some time now. However if ever there was a time to vote, it is now. I know you've heard this before. I also know that you probably care.Put that care into action. Don't just feel it and talk about it. Do it. Vote.This insanity has to stop, it must end. Now. We can end this.We don't want to look back in the future and think to ourselves, "When was the moment we could have stopped this?" We want to be able to say to ourselves, "That was the moment we ended this." I don't believe in trickle-down economics but I do believe in trick-down hate. It starts at the top, when our leaders promote hateful dialogue, people are listening.If you don't do something, someone else will. And it might be to the detriment to your life, your way of thinking, believing or praying."Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase." "There comes a time when silence is betrayal." "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."--Martin Luther King.Whatever faith you are, even if you are of no faith, your stance on this issue matters.Don't just stay quiet. Speak. Your voice can be heard with your vote.If you remain quiet and don't do or say anything, you are part of the problem. You are partly to blame for all this unless and until you make your voice heard. Please don't let this opportunity to change our government pass you by.nina
