Gratitude Journal


Photo by Brendan Steeves on Unsplash

I was talking to a good friend of mine this morning and she mentioned a plan we had to start writing a gratitude journal. In this journal, we would record everything that we are grateful for. I recommend everyone try this at some point in life. I read somewhere that if you are grateful for three things every day, after twenty-one days you will have programmed your brain to be happy.

Oprah says that gratitude work is the most important spiritual practice she engages in. Remembering and recording what you are thankful for creates a state of mind in which you realize how lucky you really are. Even though things are not always great in your life, there is always something to be grateful for. Always.

Today I am grateful that I have found a morning ritual that makes me happy and controls my depression. I am grateful that I have this very blog, that I am able and willing to write it, and that there are people who want to read it. I am also lucky that I have figured out that meditation and exercise are essential for my happiness as well.

I grateful that I am able to see. I know that may sound basic, but my father has been blind for over twenty years. The fact that I can see the beauty of the world does not escape me. There are so many colors, so many shapes and I am so lucky to witness them on a daily basis.

I am grateful that I have a family that truly does care for me. My family may have its dysfunctions, but honestly, I'm not sure if there is such a thing as a functional family. I've heard rumors about them, but mostly I feel like all families, like people, are flawed. I love my flawed family.

Photo by gabrielle cole on Unsplash

I am grateful to have good, strong, solid friendships. I think relationships are the most important aspect of life. Many people are very lonely and they do not have the good luck to have good friends to cultivate wonderful relationships with. I am truly blessed to have people in my life that I love and admire. Some are old friends from years past, some are newer. They are all amazing.

I am grateful that I have found work that I love to do. I was going to become a lawyer originally when I was in college. I think I would have been miserable doing paperwork all day and writing memos. I love writing creatively and teaching. A lot of people hate their jobs, I am very grateful that I actually really feel passionate about what I do.

I am grateful that I'm generally healthy. I had a scare recently where I had to have a breast biopsy. Everything cleared out good, however, it really made me think about health and illness in a new way. I do have a mental illness, bipolar disorder, however, with medication, it is completely under control. I am thankful for modern medicine.

I am grateful to have a spiritual nature. I believe in the interconnectedness of everything. I think we are all one. I believe there is a higher power, and that everything put together in the universe is that higher power. I believe I am a part of god. I think that peace and happiness can be achieved by seeing the god in everyone else.

I am grateful for all the wonderful things that people have thought before me, the things that I am able to read. I am grateful for the brilliance of humanity. I am grateful that people in this world all have a place, and everyone is special and important, even me.

I am grateful for you, even though I don't know you. I am thankful that you exist and that I can offer you some thoughts to think. I am lucky that you even care what I have to say. I am thankful that you have taken this time to read this. Thank you.


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