Dear god,


Photo by Rohit Guntur on Unsplash

Sometimes I don't know where I am. Or who I am. Or what this is all about. There is something, some purpose, I have to think. Or otherwise we are here to suffer and that's it. Sure there are good times, but I guess I'm not seeing how that is enough to make everything ok.

What is wrong with people that they think they can do heinous things to one another? Why is there violence? I want to ask you why you invented it? What is the purpose of hurt?

I know and understand that you cannot recognize the light without the darkness, but this is getting ridiculous. The things that people will do to each other is out of control.

We have a mad man running this country and even madder people who support him. I don't get it. I thought people were inherently good and love and all of that. How can they be capable of some of the things they are doing?

What exactly has happened to people? Or have they been this way all along and we just didn't hear about it on the news or the Internet every day? I like to think I'm a good person, but it's not hard to consider yourself good when you look at your competition.

In some ways, I'm afraid for my life. I think I might end up being a victim of one of these monsters. Why is the world such a mess? I know you created an experiment, to see what people would do if they were given free will. Now you see. Should this even go on any longer?

Maybe you could put the good people in some other realm, where there are other good people. This game is getting old. I want peace, and I'm not sure Earth is the place for peace.

If none of this is real, and we are not even real, why do you insist on having us exist like this? Did I choose to be here? If I did, why would I do a thing like that? Am I here to change something? What could little old me change about the big bad world?

I mean I'm not saying it's all bad. You created some great things like love and food and sex. Those are truly wonderful parts of life. But I find that I don't have enough love, have eaten too much food and am not getting any sex. In that order.

Photo by Fischer Twins on Unsplash

What is the point of it all? Is the experience itself the point? That's what it feels like. It doesn't feel like there is intrinsically a purpose to this mysterious and often ridiculous life that we live.

What am I supposed to do here? Is there actually something in particular I'm supposed to do? Is there something particular I'm supposed to be?

Are you happy? I know we all call you good, but you created mankind. What I mean to mostly say is that you created men. Women turned out ok, but men? C'mon! How good can you be if you created these animals?

Are you mad at us, for being who we are? Are you mad at yourself for creating such a creation? Why did you create anger in the first place? It is a terrible feeling that often leads to violence.

But you also created happiness. How can I get that? How can reach Nirvana? Please tell me, stop making me guess.

Why am I alive?


Dear Person,

I am here. I am love. And so are you. We are all love. Even the bastards that are screwing up the world.

You are right, I created an experiment. The experiment was to see what souls would do with free will. Do you know how many beautiful things you souls have done? However, you are right to point out that there is too much horrible action going on.

I will not end this if it ends it must self destruct. It is possible that humans themselves can cause the world to end. But I promise you that all this darkness exists so you can notice the light better.

Photo by Mariam Soliman on Unsplash

Madmen have been running the world since the beginning of time. That is the way of your world. This time you all chose him. You can all collectively choose differently next time.

I created anger so you would know it's opposite, peace. I created anger so you would know what you are not. You are not anger. You are peace.

Everything that exists is a collective choice. I will not take away free will because what is the point of creating puppets that only do what I want them to do? You all have a mind of your own, use it wisely.

You do not have to do anything. You are worthy of love just by existing. You do not have to be anything. You are perfect, you were born in perfection. When you realize your own beauty you will realize the beauty of everyone. Even the 'bad' people.

There is a place where all the good souls go, you just haven't seen it yet. I'm sorry that you suffer, I do not will this. However, this is your choice. I know it may seem impossible to be happy under some of the circumstances that have been created, but it still is.

Suffering is a choice. When you tell yourself that things are bad and should not be this way, then you are suffering because you fight it. When you accept reality, you can become free of pain.

Yes, many things are wrong, but you and the rest of humanity choose to focus on what's wrong. This only creates more wrongdoing. Focus on what is good, and you will find more good in the world. Make celebrities out of wonderful people instead of making killers and wrongdoers famous.

Realize that you are one, even with the people you despise. Help them see the light, show them how you have seen the light. Teach by example. You are only light and love. You and I are one. All creation is one. Do not be unhappy. You are beauty, realized.

Just love.


