

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

I’m afraid to write this, that I will fail at sayingsomething. Really saying something. About what? About what should I even talkabout? I feel so meaningless and superficial. The two things making me happyright now are the fact that I got this new hair straightening brush and thefact that I did three loads of laundry yesterday.

That’s it. That’s all I got to be happy about. Shouldn’t mylife mean more, have more depth to it? Does yours? Sometimes I think there isnothing special about my life, or me. Am I even worth fussing over?

My grandfather would ask me now and then, what is the pointof life? I never knew how to answer that. Is it hard work? That doesn’t seemfun if that’s the point of life. If it’s not to work, it is to play hard? Lifecannot just be about having a good time, can it?

I’m confused. Am I supposed to work to death or party todeath? There has got to be a happy medium. Most of us work so we can have goodleisure time. But even that doesn’t seem like it’s important enough to be the meaning of life.

I mean what does it all mean? What are we here on earth for? I’m not the first to ask this question and I won’t be the last. I guess I just wonder if I can think of something that no one else has thought of.

Photo by Ahmad Odeh on Unsplash

What if there really is no meaning of life? What if lifeitself is the meaning? What does that mean? It means that what if we are justhere and that is all there is to it? We are just here. We are alive. And we canchoose what it means to each of us.

I want my life to be about expression, and love andlaughter. I want my life to be about passion and drama, mixed with peace. Whatdo you want your life to be about? Maybe there is no ‘meaning’ that we all haveto abide by. We create meaning. I’d like to be a light, to share my light, toenlighten and be enlightened.

Is that asking too much? Maybe you want something different.I want to be here, really be here. At the end of my life I want to say that Ilived, I really lived. But what does that even mean? I personally don’t need torun a marathon or climb a mountain, walking on the treadmill is good enough forme.

For me really living is like dancing through life, singingthrough life, seeing life as poetry and a really great book or movie. I guess Iwant that to be the point of my life.

Don’t sit this one out.

I hope you dance.

