The End Of The World As We Know It?


Photo by Gem & Lauris RK on Unsplash

America is seeing some of the coldest weather it has everexperienced. Some places have a wind-chill of more than -50 degrees. What doesthat feel like? Well, for one my office is closed today. That feels good.However, I’m afraid to go outside, you can get frostbite in a manner of fiveminutes.

I remember this one random dude on Facebook from Indiaasking me how we live when it is so cold. How do we live? Perhaps he was notaware of the great heating systems we have around here. I don’t feel cold atall at the moment because I’m in a fully heated home.

But I did read that they found fifteen homeless people deadfrom the cold in Chicago. I saw a picture of a man frozen to death in thenewspaper. It scared me. I really feel for those who have no home. How do theylive?

Apparently, they can’t. I’ve always said I’d rather be toocold than too hot. I may have been wrong about that. Even the president of theUnited States doesn’t understand how all this cold weather is because of globalwarming.

It scares me to think what we are doing to this planet. Ifthe weather is going to get crazier than this, than how will we live? If thisisn’t a clue that we are ruining the environment than I don’t know what is.

What are we supposed to do about this? It’s time for us toelect politicians that care about climate change. Those who care that we aredestroying our natural world. If there is one issue we should all be able toagree upon is that it is worth it to try to save our environment. Thesetemperatures are not normal. None of this is normal.

Many countries are taking a stand on reducing emissions andoutlawing certain single use plastics. America needs to be a part of thisrevolution. Instead we have a president who doesn’t understand or care aboutthe environment.

Not only are people dying, but also animals who live out in the wild. We are not only putting humans in danger but the rest of the natural world as well. Climate change also affects farming. Our food supply is at risk with all these weather changes.

Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash

Yesterday, as we were talking about how cold it is, mysister just burst out, “I think we are all gonna die!” I laughed but a part ofme understood why she would actually think that. This cannot go on the way itis going.

What’s funny but sad is that it is going to increase almosta hundred degrees in the next couple days. That cannot be good for anything,especially any living thing. Mother Nature is giving is more than a few hintsthat we are killing her spirit. But we are also killing our own.

I will be honest, out of all the issues I really care aboutthe environment has not really been at the top. But after this bout of coldweather it has really occurred to me that it may be a matter of survival thatwe change our ways.

I could name endless ways in which the world is experiencinggreat decay. You can look up on the Internet the damages that we are doing tothe environment. There is no time for us to entertain useless people who thinkthat global warming is a hoax.

This is real. We are all experiencing it. If you don’tunderstand how global warming can cause such severe cold weather, look it up.Science is at our fingertips these days and we are still ignoring it.

The simple truth is that if the environment dies, we die. Think about how crazy it is that the Earth is at a perfect temperature and conditions to create and sustain life. That is a very delicate balance that does not happen on many planets. We don’t know if it happens on any other planet in the universe.

We have to honor and respect this process of life. Bydumping carcinogenic material into the environment and killing plants andanimals, we are going to be the next to die. This may be our most importantwar. It is a war for our survival.

Big oil companies and big industries want to use easy waysout that destroy the atmosphere and could eventually make us all sick or even makeus extinct. We have to take this fight against them seriously.

In 2020, it is time for us to elect a leader who cares aboutthe environment, period. We don’t have a choice.

This could be the end.

