Laugh At Life


Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

If you’re going to tell people the truth, be funny or they’ll kill you.”– Billy Wilder


Humor is one of the most important things in life to me. You have to see the hilarious in the every day or else you are doomed to a boring existence. But what determines what is funny? I think often it is the truth. The truth will not only set you free but it is downright hilarious.

You can get away with a lot if you are funny. The truth is not usually fun to hear unless it’s funny. For example, Donald Trump writes his own jokes because he himself is a joke, his life is a joke. It’s not hard to make fun him because he is, in reality, an idiot. There’s nothing to make up, what he is and what he does is truly and authentically funny.

Comedians are having a field day with this president. In fact, comedians are very intelligent. You cannot find the humor in something without noticing the irony. And irony is complex, subtle, and sophisticated. Something can be simultaneously funny and sad, both at the same time. You can laugh at sad things, in fact, it is better to laugh at them than cry at them.

The funny thing is, life is kind of a big joke. We are all trying to move forward, the destination is death or incontinence, whatever comes first. We are actually looking forward to the end of looking forward.

If you can’t laugh at this, you will be crying a lot more than you should have to. God herself is funny, she, in fact, invented humor, along with gingivitis and ass cancer. There is nothing particularly funny about those two things, except that someone actually took the time to invent them.

Photo by Trevor Cole on Unsplash

I used to contend that god must be a man, considering the state of the world. I still think that may be true. Do you really think a woman would do this? Speaking of men, they tend to think they are funnier than women. In fact, men try really hard to make jokes, whereas I think women are more naturally funny.

I mean women have to deal with menstruation. If you don’t have a sense of humor about that, you will actually have to face the fact that blood is dripping out of your body and making you act like a bitch. PMS can be funny, especially the fact that you just wake up one morning and want to kill all the men in your life.

However, when men make fun of PMS, it’s not funny. They cannot fathom the experience of hormonal rage, so they have no right to make fun of it. Just saying.

What’s funny to you? What do you laugh at the most?

Photo by Janaya Dasiuk on Unsplash

People, as a species, are funny. The things we do. People are still going to church, even though they know that priests are going at it with their kids. Ridiculousness has no limits, that’s why it’s funny. Either does stupidity.

Stupid people are all over the place. They have even invaded the White House. Stupidity is funny to a point, and then it is just annoying. Sometimes it is dangerous, as in the case of the president. But we can still laugh at it, it keeps us sane.

I will say that part of the only reason that I am sane today is because I can laugh, and I laugh a lot. As I have mentioned before, I have Bipolar Disorder and when I was in a heightened mental state known as mania, I could not stop laughing. The problem with the laughing during a mental breakdown is that it is usually accompanied with crying or anger, your emotions are all over the place.

But when I thought that someone was speaking to me telepathically, this was a delusion, but that person was so hilarious, I have never laughed so hard in my life. I realize now that the person that was talking to me in my head, was me. Apparently I’m so funny that I had to be hauled away in an ambulance because I could not stop laughing.

You may think this gave me a bad impression of humor and laughter. Not at all. I will never stop laughing at this crazy world. If you are not laughing at the world, you probably don’t get the joke. You should look into it. It’s really funny.

Life is filled with humor and I’m sure death is as well. Not only are the gods crazy, they are also funny. There are so many damn things to laugh at I can’t even count that high.

If you are not laughing, like every single day of your life, you should think about changing that. Don’t take things so seriously. This can all be fun if we look at it the right way. Life is a bitch, but she’s a snarky, witty, funny bitch.

You may be of the opinion that there are things that are too sacred to make fun of. This may be true in some cases, however, generally speaking, everything has a side to it that is humorous in some way. Even ass cancer.

You probably don’t have ass cancer.

Don’t worry. Be happy.

