What Is Politics?

Photo by Randy Colas on Unsplash

OK, so I want to talk about politics from a very unscientific and not very backed up with research way. I just want to converse about it, admitting that I don’t know all the facts. Let’s take Bill Clinton, for example. There are several women who have accused him of rape and sexual harassment.

The funny thing is, I’m a radical feminist and I also kind of love Bill Clinton. How can I love a man who is a suspected rapist and harasser? Therein lies my hypocrisy. The fact is, I think he did a lot of good things for this country, even though I know he was a sex addict and I suspect he took advantage of women.

What does that make me in terms of my feminism? It makes me a sucker is what it makes me. How can I stand for women and still stand for a man who has possibly raped women? I don’t know but these two dichotomous facts exist in my brain.

Let’s take the example of Joe Biden, I honestly don’t want him to run for president because he is a moderate, I believe he will essentially do nothing. The reason I want Bernie Sanders to become president is because he is a revolutionary, and real change is always radical. If Joe Biden runs for president, it is going to be harder for Bernie to win.

So Joe has these sexual harassment charges against him and I want that to stop him from running for president. Do I think Joe Biden is a pervert? The truth is that I’ve heard some of the allegations against him and they sound a little hokey. Something about him putting his hand on someone’s shoulder and such things. I don’t care, either way, I don’t want him to run and I don’t want him to win.

Now don’t get me wrong, there are some good moderates out there. Obama was essentially a moderate and I think he was magnificent as president. However, this is a time where we need radical change in this country or the poor and middle class will suffer greatly. They are suffering at the hands of the rich.

Now let’s go back to the Clintons. There were some suspicious things that happened in Bill’s campaign, two people in his inner circle died close in time to each other. I don’t know, does that sound suspicious to you? I think one or more was a suicide. Perhaps I watched too many episodes of House of Cards on Netflix, but I’m suspicious of all politicians.

But I still think Hillary Clinton should be president right now. Does that make me a hypocrite? I chose the lesser of two evils. I think there was some corruption in Hillary, just a hunch, again not based on solid facts. But I think she was just like everybody else. But she wasn’t a stupid fool like our current president.

Trump is not just corrupt, he is a horrible human being and stupid on top of that. He’s also a liar. Anyone, literally anyone, would be a better president than Donald Trump. Why is it that in politics we have only evils to choose from?

Photo by Brian Wertheim on Unsplash

Why are politics so evil to begin with? Why aren’t good people going into politics? I don’t know, but I consider myself a decent person and there is no way in hell I would become a politician. Why? Because it sounds like people would rip apart every aspect of your life and put it up in front of everyone to see. It sounds like hell.

It is no wonder that the people who choose to expose themselves to this are questionable in character and often have ulterior motives. Power and fame being on the top of that list of motives. I just want a dude or a chic to be a president who actually wants to make things better in this country.

I know I keep repeating myself, but Bernie Sanders is that person. He does not act like a celebrity, if we look at his history as a Senator, he has always tried to help the working person. They will probably find scandals about him, the current scandal is his tax returns. OK. I don’t care, there is going to be something wrong with everyone. But he is the best we got even though he is an old white man. And yes, that can be considered sort of a sin. Just kidding.

Politics in every country is a mess and this is what we have to work with. I think the least corrupt president we ever had was Obama, he was some kind of saint. He had no scandals. However, the Republicans blocked him every step of the way. So there’s that.

Photo by Maria Oswalt on Unsplash

You can’t win, you can only lose in the game of politics. But guess who is losing right now? The American people. We have the worst president in world history. And that is a sad fact.

If you, by the way, are a good person with a conscious, please run for something if you think you can do it. We need people like you. I don’t believe in the right and wrong of religion, but I do believe there are some things that are inherently right and wrong. This president does wrong over and over again.

So if politics are always going to be corrupt, should we even care?


It is our responsibility to make them less corrupt. Only the people can change the system. The system in this country is one of the best democracies out there, but it is still horrid. That says a lot about the state of the world.

Are people innately evil? Is it impossible to have a moral government?

I don’t think so. I think people are inherently good. That may sound airy-fairy and there’s plenty of evidence to prove otherwise, but I still believe that our true nature is love. Even politicians.

Politics should be about loving humankind. Period.

