This Is Not A Poem
This Is Not A Poem
This is something else.
This is not about love
or palm trees or even apples.
There is nothing to describe here,
except I want to tell you a story...
This Is Not A Story
It’s something else.
It’s about how I laid in a room.
Quiet for a long time.
In silence, I was there.
Some people call it depression,
some people call it life.
This Is Not A Diagnosis
I am not a doctor
And I’m not here to tell
you that your inability to wake up
in the morning is a disease.
I’m only here to say, I’ve been in that room.
I’m there with you now.
This Is Not The Truth
It’s just facts, the truth is something
altogether different. I can tell you
what happened in that room
but you would never know what really
happened in that room.
This Is Not The End
It can happen again. To me, to you.
Don’t ever think it’s over and you are safe.
There is no rhyme and often no reason.
And if there is a reason, it’s usually a bad one.
It never rhymes.
Because This Is Not a Poem