Cryptic, Random, Strange, Senseless Poetry--Repost


Photo by gustavo centurion on Unsplash

A Non-Name

Whoinfluenced you?

Theyask you

did you name yourself?
How did you come up

withthese complicated stories

aboutthe heart that asks

questionsabout the nose?

Theysay you can smell your life

betterthan you can think it.

Rememberwhen you and I played

onthe monkey bars

and we thought we were

importantpeople when we fell

andscraped our knees

andcried the ugly cry for ourselves?

Iremember the stink of your red shoes then.

Click,click, Dorothy wants to go home,

ETphones it in.

Bigbird sings the alphabet

andyou and you and I flip channels.

Here’sto you, Mrs. Robinson!

Thescent of your cookie dough is better than

whenyou bake yourself in the oven.

SylviaPlath, I call you when you cry.

Wedidn’t know how to cry for other people

thenand we never really learned

thatwe are matter and matter doesn’t die and it does matter.

Andwe are no different than the stars

thatmake a dozen mistakes while looking pretty.

Youask me how can a light

bewrong? How can you smell a light?

Itell you, you are a light,

justbecause you don’t notice the scent, does not mean

Youdon’t have one.

Whyis it that you think you are none?

Theblack hole even knows

Ican breathe it in my nose,

andit has a name, somebody gave it one.


Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash

The Fly

Wesat on the porch

watchingthe firefly’s

rehearsinga ballet in the sky.

Wedidn’t need to see them

tounderstand that beauty

canbe annoying,

Abuzz near your ear.

Ora black fly trying to make it

ina world that hates tiny faces

thathave no name.

Weplot to kill you and you know it.

Iwill name you my friend

youare the first to notice

that the world is burning down.

Youdon’t know

Youdon’t know

howhard it is to smile while

facesand places are all around me

butI barely can recognize myself.

I’ma girl

whocannot see the nuances


Ithink I cannot fly.


Photo by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash

Are you Free?

Doyou think you own yourself

ordo you see even that as a

betrayalof your freedom?

Youcannot own beauty

Sohow can you be beautiful?

Ithink flowers in the rain

arefreedom and in essence

yourpain is a form of oppression.

Bynature, by your mind.

Ichanged my name

soyou could pronounce it.

Ichanged my hair

soyou could like it.

Iwalked to the left

insteadof the right

soyou would know where I stood.

Iam compulsive.


doyou think I’m pretty?

Doyou think I’m sad?

Doyou wonder if I could dance

withyou in a garden

ofpurple hyacinths?

Stepthis way and that

useyour words, see your rhythm.

Don’ttrip on the wire

everyonealways forgets

aboutthe chord,

inthe way of our Wednesdays.

Weare always in the middle

Neverbe too shy to fall down

inthe middle of the week.

Inthe middle of your life,

whenyou can see forward and back.

Whenelse will you be you?


Photo by Heather Gill on Unsplash


Iwas thinking of making sense

thatday, when you said you

brushedyour teeth for me.

AndI didn’t notice that biting

intoapples creates our lives.

Thatwe need nothing more

thena fruit and a fairytale

tokeep us occupied.

Withlies and flies and

andstrawberry lips

youkissed me with your watermelon

goodbyes.And the way

youlooked at me

Icould have sworn I saw the moon

inyour raspberry smile.

Thereis a seed in your mouth

Thattells me everything I need to know

aboutgrowing a garden.

Slicesof orange and the way

Ipeeled a grape only to feel

itsessence in my hands.

Ifelt dirty that day

Andyou knew what I didn’t say.

Youstood there in the doorway,

singinga song you made up.

Noneof us are clean

likethe dirt that makes the fruit.

Weare also made of earth

Eventhough we don’t know its name.


Photo by Constellate on Unsplash


Isat with the TV on watching a surprise party on a Friends re-run.

ThenI turn to you and say, this one is like Golden Girls

andyou look at me as if I told you the earth was triangular.

Andyou say how many times can we watch this episode

beforewe memorize the ending, know all the jokes.

AndI ask you what will happen next.

Yousay wait until the applause, you’ll figure it out when you hear yourself

intheir voices over and over again.

Youlit a cigarette that time you watched the Cheers finale one more time.

Yousaid you wanted everyone to know your name.

Theydon’t. You will have to tell them over and over again.
