You Cannot End Abortion, You Can Only End Safe Abortion!

Pro-choice supporters protest in front of the Alabama State House as Alabama state Senate votes on the strictest anti-abortion bill in the United States at the Alabama Legislature in Montgomery, Alabama, U.S. May 14, 2019. REUTERS/Chris Aluka Berry - RC1C1B98D9F0

So it happened. They passed a law that bans all abortions in Alabama. This should be a wake-up call to us all that we can lose our fundamental rights at the drop of a hat. I don’t know how Alabama managed to pass such a law, but I have read that it was mainly men who created the legislation.

Besides the fact that men don’t have a uterus, there are so many reasons this is wrong I cannot begin to list them. The government should be paying for abortions if you ask me, otherwise, they will be paying for an unwanted child to be a ward of the state. I mean on just a basic financial level, banning abortion makes absolutely no sense.

And on a moral and ethical level, it is indecent, inhumane and wrong. Just wrong. I am not a Christian nor am I religious so I could care less about the religious issues that people allegedly have about abortion. The fact is you cannot ban abortions, you can only ban safe abortions. Read that again.

How is it humanly possible for someone to force a woman to undergo carrying a child for nine months and then delivering that child into a world where she cannot, for whatever reason, take care of that child. The same people who are against abortion do not want to fund government programs for foster children or any government programs that help poor children.

Photo by Maria Oswalt on Unsplash

The hypocrisy is outrageous and unacceptable. Women cannot and will not stand for this. On social media, I even see a lot of men posting about how horrid this situation is. Good, we need the help of men because obviously, men are still running this country.

A fetus without a fully functioning brain is not a conscious being. It is a bunch of cells, it’s basically the same as saying killing bacteria is murder. Saying that killing a fetus is ending a life is the same as saying that killing a sperm is murder. I’m so angry and upset, I want to scream and cry all at the same time. I am beyond the age where I will probably even be able to get pregnant, but that is so not the point.

You cannot force someone to do something to their body that they do not wish to do. Period. My sisters deserve and must have their rights. This is just the beginning, people. The war on women is something that has been going on since the beginning of time and we will not sit back and let this happen. These same people that are so worried about saving a life cannot respect that life if it is gay, transgender, disabled, mentally ill, Black, Mexican, Muslim, etc. These same people who want to ‘save a baby’s life’ will let that baby go to school all the while knowing it is still legal to own massive killing weapons that could be unleashed on them at any moment.

If we allow this ban to just happen, the will go after birth control next. What’s after that? Let’s not mince words people, this is war. This is worth fighting for. We have to fight this. Now.

How do we fight this? Well, I’m guessing it wouldn’t hurt if we had a woman president. Look, I’m a big Bernie Sanders fan, but let’s face the reality that only a woman is going to truly fight for women’s rights. If this ban in Alabama is actually implemented, we have to intervene. Like the underground railroad.

There should be people who are willing to drive poor women from Alabama to another state to get a safe abortion. Women in Alabama need to vote, vote, vote. And all of us must vote out this president.

That’s just the beginning. We need a Women’s Rights amendment in the Constitution. We need more and more women to run for office. If you think you can do it, by all means, please do.

We need to write about it, talk about it, scream about it, march about it. We cannot let this happen. I started watching The Hand Maid’s Tale recently. For those of you who are not familiar with it, it is a show about a world in the future where women are subjugated in disgusting manners that are unmentionable.

I get really upset every time I watch an episode of this show. I think the reason it affects me so much is that I can’t get it out of my head that this could happen in reality. I read the book in high school and it depressed me then. If you haven’t read the book, I highly recommend it.

I want to say that we won’t stand for this and things will get better. I’m an optimist by nature. But they will only get better if you act, in some way. Whatever way you can think of. Yes, you. It all depends on all of us.

