Sitting By The Dock Of The Bay...


Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

It’s morning and I’m just sitting around, I don’t have to be at work until two o’clock. I should be writing and I actually am doing what I should be. But I’m also just sitting and staring out the window. It wasn’t supposed to be sunny today but it is so I consider it a gift. I’m about to take a walk outside.

I stare at the computer screen too much, it’s better to look at trees. There is nothing like breathing fresh air in the morning. I took a walk and it was brilliant. I’m really feeling life today like I am really living. There is something about being out in the sun and the wind and seeing nature. I watched many birds just hanging out.

There is something about nature that does not exist in the indoors. Feeling the wind and sun on your face does something to your state of mind and your soul that nothing man-made can do. It makes me wonder why I spend so much time indoors. Why don’t I go outside more?

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

I should sit on my deck more in the mornings and evenings. If I could take my kids and go outside and sit under a tree and teach them, I would. I remember doing that in school a few times and even in college. My dad told me they used to learn outside when he was a kid in India, maybe that’s part of the reason he’s so smart.

It seems unnatural that we live in boxes. I’m working in a room with no windows, I cannot see the outside world for hours at a time. I’m staring at walls all day long or staring at this computer. Maybe that’s one of the reasons for my problems.

My problem is I feel like modern life is unnatural. I live in a box, I stare at a box all day. I want to be with the trees and the ocean and grass. I should take up gardening or something. I think I will start gardening this weekend, there are some weeds that need to be pulled from our front yard. I need to feel the dirt in my hands and get them dirty. Everything is too sterile in all these buildings I’m always in.

When the weather is nice, I always open the windows in my house and in my car. In fact, if it’s too hot outside I still open my windows in my car and put the air conditioner on at the same time. I don’t care, I just need that fresh air.  I know the air we breathe outside is still dirty, but it’s not as dirty as indoor air.

Photo by Riccardo Chiarini on Unsplash

It feels different when you breathe outside. This summer I vow to take more walks and have more picnics. I should also go boating as well. I literally need to sit by the dock of the bay more often. I was also thinking about maybe riding a bike around a nature trail. Since I am more physically fit now, these things seem like a lot of fun.

I will admit I am afraid of falling off of a bike, but some time or another I need to get over my fears. I also have a slight phobia of bugs crawling on me. But again, these are stupid little problems that I need to get over.

The real world is outside.

What I’m doing right now is some kind of artificial living.

I need to be more real.

