Nerds And Names--Repost


Photo by Anirudh Venkatesan on Unsplash

Are you by any chance, a nerd? You might be a nerd if you are reading this. By virtue of writing this, I may be a nerd. But the truth is actually I'm not a good nerd. I don't really fit the category because I'm not nerd smart. What I mean by that is I don't think I'm less intelligent, but I'm not good at things that nerds are good at, like math and chemistry. Also, I'm not actually socially awkward, I used to be when I was very young, but I grew out of that. Nerds are not always people persons.

Ain'tnothing wrong with being a nerd in this day and age. When I was a kid, nerdswere made fun of. Now they are all rich. So who's laughing now?Unfortunately, the popular kids don't stand a chance against these nerdswhen it comes to success. Like I said, a lot of my friends were nerds in highschool, but I didn't totally fit in the with the nerds, I was failing math. Iwas kind of between the nerds and the weird kids that had their own thing goingon.

Youknow what? I kinda think my name has to do with why I'm more socially inclined.People don't have a hard time saying my name, and even though my mom was goingto name me Paramjeet, my dad fought for me to have an easy to pronounce name.Honestly, it all starts with the fact that it's easy to introduce myself.

I think part of the reason Nina is not a rich nerd is because I've been busy yacking away instead of learning math. It's all about calculus in the end. My dad once told me he thinks calculus could explain the entire world. If the entire world is like calculus, I will definitely fail at life.

Photo by Miguel Runa on Unsplash

There'sall these theories that if your name is at the beginning of the alphabetyou are more successful. There is something about being first in line. But,it's odd that a name can have so much power. But yet in many religions,including mine, Sikhism, the name of god is what is the most important thing.

Theysay you should chant his name. They say you can use whatever name you want likeAllah or Ram. There's something about the fact that if you say his name enoughtimes you might turn into him. Like a name is that important. Who named godthough? Ever wonder?

Ninais not a bad name, and it's sort of understood internationally. I always thoughtI'd marry someone with a name like Nick. I'm serious. This is what I do inninaland. Come up with names of potential suitors for my imaginary love life.

Sikhnames are usually really long. But that is a tradition, they could use shorternames if they wanted to. I remember my Vietnamese friend in high school had aVietnamese name at home that they called her, and a legal American name thatshe used in school and in life. I think that is an interesting way to addressthe name situation.

I have a friend whose name is very Indian, very, very. She thinks she gets overlooked for jobs because of her name. That could be true. My name is like my face, people often think I'm Mexican or Middle Eastern. Nina is hard to identify. However, I kind of wonder why my blog does better in India than in the U.S. It's probably because I have an Indian name.

Butyou know like people try to be all creative with names, forgetting thatchildren can be so cruel. I think Gweneth Paltrow's kid's name is Apple orsomething. I'm not even going to look that up. For argument's sake, let's saythe name is Apple. What kind of future do you think Apple has? People look atthat kid funny every time he or she says their name. You don't know if it's ahe or she, which is fine, gender neutral is fine, but fruit?

Peoplename their kids after cities and countries. I know 'India' is a name. And'China.' I'm not sure how I feel about this one. I mean Asia could be a nicename, but Antartica, not so much. Sydney I can deal with, Tenessee I'm not sure.

Idon't even know where I'm going with this whole nerdy name thing. I think ifyou have a nerdy name, you may be more likely to be a nerd. Which inherentlymeans you are more likely to be rich. i.e. Bill Gates, Zuckerberg. They areclearly nerds, regardless of their names, they made it to the top of nerdom andthey actually rule now.

Whatis the thesis of all this, the point shall we say?

Don'tgive your kids horrific names. And if it seems like you have a nerd for achild, invest a lot of money in their education.

