god is red
I think god is red, I see him in my dreams
he is a pretty dragon asking me my name
I run away from him, thinking he is a monster
god also started out his career as a poet
the sky was a metaphor before it became real
she saw me in a dream and I had her face
he created beauty after all the wars in his nightmares
the ones we would later fight in his name
saying that god wanted us to do this
actually, she’s a thinker, the one who invented humor
so we could laugh at our thoughts
the ones we think we should not have
and once we thought god was sane
but does that even make sense
considering everything, and anything
what is all this, he often asks himself
in the middle of the night when even the stars
have forgotten the speed of light
I am a molecule, I am even less than that
in the whole scheme of things I say
I am closer to nothing than I am to something
you are made out of me, god whispered
to me one night when I couldn’t sleep
but I’m too tainted to believe such tales
I’d rather believe I’m just stardust
that decided to spin in this direction
if god is alive, he’s too foolish for my taste