Busy Body Blog


Photo by Fred Kearney on Unsplash

I feel rushed And stressed. I feel like I have too many things to do and not enough time to do them in. OK, look I hate when people give me this line about how ‘busy’ they are. It’s almost a thing of status nowadays to be so busy. I have never wanted to be that person. But apparently, I am now.

I didn’t work out this morning, cause I was too busy grocery shopping and yada, yada, yada. I feel rushed writing this, because I had to write some case notes that were late for my students and blah, blah, blah. I mean I feel like I’m constantly moving and doing. If you knew me well, you would notice that that’s not really who I am as a person.

I’m a couch potato by nature. I like to sit on the couch. I sit on the couch and read and write, but I also just like to veg out and watch T.V. Well, apparently, I’m changing. Is it for the good though? I’m turning into a busy body, a busy bee. That’s kind of gross if you ask me.

I like sitting. That’s probably why I like meditation, it only requires me to sit. I don’t do yoga because it requires a lot of movement. But now, suddenly, I’m all over the place. This moving business is weird. It’s different than sitting around all day.

I have to say, I enjoy it, but there are times I miss staring into space. I like sitting around visiting ninaland every now and then. There’s some cool shit in my head, I love to daydream. I’ve always been a dreamer.  

But now since I’m so much healthier, I have all this energy. It’s lovely, I will admit. However, it’s different. I am still of the thought that we emphasize doing too much in this society. That we don’t talk about being as much.

Sometimes I like to just be.

There have always been a million things to do, but I never thought I would be a person who actually did all those things. But I will tell you this, I’m not too busy for my friends. I also don’t have kids, so there’s that. And I’m still single, so there’s also that. But it still amazes me how much crap I can fit into a day these days.

Photo by 贝莉儿 NG on Unsplash

I was always one of those people who did my laundry when I ran out of underwear. Well, of course, the trick to that is buying a ton of underwear. Now, I wash my clothes so regularly I don’t even have any clothes on my bedroom floor.

But sometimes I feel like I need to get back to my truth and get in touch with my soul. Sometimes that requires doing absolutely nothing. Not even meditating. Just being. I don’t do that enough anymore.

Sometimes you can’t really be present if you are moving all the time. You need to be still in order to realize that you are alive. I like to sit outside these days because it’s just so nice, although sometimes it irritates my allergies. But that is so irrelevant.

But you know there is that old adage, ‘whistle while you work.’ You can be doing anything, but what is your mind doing when you are moving your body? Are you thinking stressed out thoughts or happy thoughts? Are you being grateful for what you have or are you being negative? What is your mind doing while the rest of you is doing whatever you are doing?

Photo by Alejandro Alvarez on Unsplash

Because that’s where it’s really at. When I sat around a lot more, I paid more attention to my thoughts, but they were still wild and all over the place. So at this point, it shouldn’t matter if I’m moving or sitting, what matters is my mindset.

And I’m good inside, so it hardly matters what I’m doing out there, in the world. But I will tell you it helps sometimes to regroup and notice your thoughts. What are you thinking about on a regular basis? You can control how and what you think about because what you think is eventually what you become.  

I don’t know if I’ll ever really be a mover and a shaker. But I do know that I cannot forget who I am in all this busy business. I’m still me, even if I’ve morphed and changed.

Who are you?

Do you want to know?

Sit still.

