

beauty queen when I met you

but you were smarter than you were pretty

I know I was the one who hurt you the deepest

and the one who touched you even deeper

you were the one who taught me to dance

to sing when my voice was not heard

to laugh when everything fell down

to smile at the chaos and drama

you gave me a name

the one they repeat to get my attention

you showed me that if I had something to say, I should say it

you were soft spoken, until you became loud

and taught me that there are times you must change your voice

you told me to dress as if I owned myself

and never let anyone tell me who I am

I am much like you, in ways I am not even able to comprehend

and you showed me how to be a woman

you worked too hard, laughed too hard, cried too hard

you live hard, love hard, and never do anything without passion

you are the actual reason that I'm alive, that I breathe

but you are also the reason I live, that I keep trying

you showed me the struggle is worth it, that life is a madness we can survive

I thought you were the craziest person I knew until I realized I am the craziest person you know

and that none of us will survive this insane world without love

you were the first person to ever love me

