What Is She?


Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

I remember a guy friend of mine actually said to me once in college that there were guys who thought that girls did not go to the bathroom. He actually said this. Did they think that women are non-human? Did they not understand biology? Why such stupidity?

I’ll tell you why because they thought that women were not people. That our bodies are not like men’s. It is very similar to what men think when they want to ban abortion. They don’t think we are normal people who own our own bodies. You don’t see anyone forcing men to get vasectomies in order to reduce the number of abortions.

Somehow women’s bodies have become an issue of public property. Men objectify women on the streets because they think they have the right to. Men try to decide what women can and can’t do with their bodies. They think of women’s bodies in terms of their use sexually.

Somewhere along the line women turned into non-people. Holding women up to a level of purity so that you think they don’t even go to the bathroom is twisted. It’s like thinking that women naturally don’t have hair on their legs.

Photo by Julie Johnson on Unsplash

We’ve turned ourselves into these hairless dolls in order to fulfill some male fantasy of what a female should be. But believe me, we also grow armpit hair and shit, just like men. We as a society don’t dictate what men should do with their dicks, so why do we think we can dictate women’s vaginas?

Well, we tell women they must be thin, hairless, and big boobed. Men can be bald, fat and short and they can still be considered attractive and whole. These double standards about women’s bodies only serve to control women.

To put women on a pedestal as pure, or throw them down as dirty is not seeing them as real. Believe it or not, women were not created for the sole purpose to please men. We were created alongside men, and very much equal to men.

This may sound obvious, but it is not obvious in our current pay gap and in legislation that tries to ban abortion. I read somewhere that women were not created to all the things men can, but were created to do all the things men can’t.

Photo by Shamim Nakhaei on Unsplash

In all of this chaos, women still see men as human beings even though they are the rapists, the murderers, and most of the thieves. Most violent crime, most crime, is committed by men but they somehow still think they are the superior gender.

Women do not want to be seen as superior. We want to be seen. Period.

Seen for the complex and sophisticated human beings that we are.

